Boneless Eunuchs Running
北京奥运标志是中国人在自身潜意识里对中国人自我形象的真实描述。 一个没有骨头的奴隶太监试图奔跑逃命 -- 无力,无助,怯懦,绝望,自欺。 多么形象的真实写照! --- 陈凯
Beijing Olympic logo is a subconscious confession of the Chinese national character. It is as much without self-knowledge as it is entirely true -- A slave trying to run, or to escape, yet somehow knowing that it is impossible to do so without bones in his own body. The image of helplessness, weakness, cowardice, despair and self-deception is all too real. What a true self-portrait! --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Beijing Olympic logo is indeed a Chinese individual's self confession and portrait. Freud had long pointed out that a person will manifest himself truly in a subconscious way. It is so true today seeing the Beijing Olympic logo.
The Chinese Party-state has devised a Beijing Olympic logo that is a true portrait of the Beijing Olympic spirit -- a boneless Chinese individual (definition: a willing slave, a helpless eunuch, a sick athlete without strength, an individual without a single bone in his body...) trying to run or escape against the wind of freedom. He either is going to collapse on the ground, or be blown to pieces by the forces of nature. One cannot devise a better image to depict the true state of the Chinese Party-state and the fragile nature of the Chinese individuals' ego - an ego, or lack of it, of a Chinese self-castrating eunuch.
What is your opinion on the Beijing Olympic logo? I welcome you to post your opinions here.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯