太多人想当总统,太少人想追求自由幸福 - 民运痼疾
Too Many Yearn for Power, Too Few Yearn for Freedom and Happiness
在民运的精英贵族圈子里,大有一些专心追求强权想当总统的人们。 他们是一些来到美国而又不认同美国自由价值的人们。 他们留恋所谓中国文化的价值。 他们的迷恋追求做未来的中国领导(总统)而摈弃对自由与幸福的向往只说明了他们仍旧是中国专制文化的铁杆奴隶。 --- 陈凯
Those who think that there is a higher value than a human being's freedom and happiness are those who are evil by definition.
Among the overseas Chinese democratic elite and overlords, there are quite a few whose only ambition in life is to be the next China's president in the post-communist era. They are those who come to America but have never identified themselves with America's values of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. They yearn to restore the so-called Chinese traditional cultural values (Power as the ultimate goal in life and symbol of success). Their actions and ideas built upon pursuit of power instead of pursuit of freedom and happiness only demonstrate one point -- they are still the enslaved souls, for they have utterly abandoned their own humanity. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Among those who claim to be overseas Chinese democratic leaders, quite a few refuse to apply for American citizenship. This indeed is their freedom. America is indeed a free country for them to choose to do so.
But what I have found is that not only they reject American citizenship, they reject American values. They take a title of being an American as a shame and a title of being a Chinese as a pride. They pursue the traditional Chinese teachings as their own moral guidance. Their only life pursuit is to be the next Chinese president after the communists are gone. None of them have ever mentioned freedom and happiness in their own speeches. They think that sacrificing their own freedom and happiness to save others (or course, only with power they can save others) is the most glorious task in their own lives. And they expect the ultimate respect and recognition in return from the Chinese people, since they have indeed sacrificed so much for them.
They are resentful people, often disillusioned and disappointed. They are not a sincere bunch of people. Quite often they promise too much and practice (work) too little. They are a curse, not a blessing for the cause of freedom in China. They are a curse for their ideas are from the ancient dark past of China. To do everything to win, to justify means with a lofty end, to sacrifice themselves and others for some glorious ideals, regardless their own integrity, freedom and happiness are some of their characteristics.
I don't believe an unhappy person can make others happy. I don't believe a slave can make others free. I don't believe a dishonest person can help build a morally great nation.
So beware and be aware of those who disregard their own family, their own happiness and freedom to save others, like Mao, like all the so-called saviors of mankind. Be vigilant, people, for a constant vigilance is the price to pay for your own freedom.
Best. Kai Chen