Confusion - a Queer Chinese Virtue
Confusion is the essence of nihilism in the Chinese cultural tradition. --- Kai Chen
混乱糊涂是中国传统文化中虚无主义的精髓。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
Many Chinese use "难得糊涂”as their motto of lives. "Confusion not only NOT as a vice, but a Virtue".
No wonder the Chinese are not only Morally Confused, but Intellectually Muddle-Headed. They actually value Confusion. Many Chinese hang this motto in their living room. Even the English translation of "孔子“ has a connotaion of confusion - the "Confucious". Maybe this English translation means to convey what the Confucian ethics are trying to propagate: The utter, complete Moral Confusion.
I have always amazed about what the Chinese value: ”糊涂“ maybe one of the most amazing value the Chinese treasure. Maybe this has a lot to do with the Chinese character-based syllabic language, which can never define anything, but only portray and describe appearances. Abstracting thinking and concepts are almost none-existent among the Chinese masses. So Morals - an abstract, intangible and invisible faculty intrinsic to humans, are far removed from the Chinese consiousness, since they see and judge everything only with their appearances.
People with moral clarity and intellectual depth are often ostracized and persecuted. People in China only worshipped those who are loyal to the Chinese emperors and Chinese state and Chinese race. 屈原, 岳飞, 杨家将 ... all have become national heros for their loyalty to the dynasties and emperors. National holidays are designated to their names. Yet the Chinese have no iota of concept about what Morality is, what Truth is, what Conscience is, what Decency is, what Liberty and Happiness is... They are covered under the bloody reg Chinese National flags, covered by their own racial appearances, covered by their despotic symbols such as the Great Wall and Forbidden City and Qin Tomb... They are mired in an endless dynastic cycle and seem never able to extract themselves from it. The helplessness and the desperation being trapped in a blackhole prompt most Chinese to think there maybe NO moral absolutes and objective scientific principles. Passing time, instead of Living, quantity instead of quality, have become the Chinese preoccupation.
So maybe "糊涂"as a value can save them from the morass of human degradation. And now it has indeed become the ultimate Chinese value and virtue.
Take care of your self and your mind. Best wishes. Kai Chen