Harmony = Stagnation
Progress means controversy. Without controversies and conflicts, there would be no progress. Open debate and peaceful conflict resolution is key to a trasparent progressive society. --- Unknown
进步意味着争议。 没有争议与冲突便不会有进步。 公开辩论与和平解决争议是建立一个透明的,进步的社会的关键。 --- 无名者
Dear Visitors:
"Harmony" is a Confucian concept aimed at maintaining a despotic social order benefitting only those who rule -- the power elite in society. Due to the poisonous effect of this concept, the Chinese themselves have effectively established a society of "dead silence", for anyone who dares to speak out against evil and injustice will be labeled "disturbing social harmony". This rule based on "harmony" has always been applied in the Chinese families as well: No children are allowed to speak out in the presence of the elderlies. They have to wait for their turns according to the social hierarchy established by Confucianism.
Lately this rule of "Harmony" is also propagated by the Chinese Communist rulers, not so surprisingly, for the Chinese society nowadays is boiling with resentment, anger, discontent, depression, mental disorder... Guns and suppression will not be enough to quell this tremendous undercurrent that threatens the very existence of the Chinese ruling elite. So the old Chinese Confucian ways to lull and seduce the Chinese masses with fake ethics and morals again are being utilized. Yet the ruling class never knows that this concept of "harmony" is exactly what dooms every Chinese dynasty, for it suppresses the healthy expressions of dissenting opinions, all in the name of maintaining superficial peace.
A healthy society is NOT a harmonious society, but a dynamic society, much like the ocean, with natural storms and flowing currents and endless possibilities... A harmonious society is much like a swamp with dead, stagnant water, breeding germs, parasites, diseases, decay and rotten corpses. It stinks, pollutes, sickens and kills.
But somehow all the Chinese are brain-washed by the ruling elites and their saint - the Confucius to believe that a silent society is a desirable society and stagnation is a normal state of being. "Harmony" is another insidious ingredient in the Chinese narcotics to numb and confuse the Chinese masses, making them delussional and impotent to face reality.
Harmonious society is a society filled with souless zombies and vicious man-eaters. In such society only parasites can find heaven. This dirty word "harmony" has long been permeated into the mind of the Chinese, eating them alive from inside. They forget their own individuality, their own humanity, their own sense of justice, logic and rationality, their own conscience, their own life and existence, just to maintain the stagnant appearance of such "social harmony". Unless they wake up to the poisonous effect of such a Confucian narcotics, they will be forever at the mercy of the Chinese despots, past and present and future.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯