Language Defects Lead to Lack of True Identity
If the truth shall have made thee free, thou shalt not care for the vain words of men. --- Thomas a Kempis: Imitation of Christ
如果真实已经使你自由,你用不着对那些庸人的自欺欺人的俗语而烦恼。 --- Thomas a Kempis: 耶稣的榜样
Dear Visitors:
From Chen Jingrun 陈景润 to Yao Ming 姚明,have you noticed a very obvious phenomenon? That is, the Chinese desperately need outside world for self-recognition and self-verification of their own existence. Without that outside world, that is, the Western world, the Chinese have great difficulty and trouble to recognize their own existence.
Surely the isolation of China from the rest of the world for a long period of time has contributed to this queer complex and phenomenon. Yet a very logical and obvious reason for the Chinese lack of self-identity and self-recognition is the Chinese language itself. It is NOT an objective language that can be used world-wide for any real free human being. Rather, it is a very subjective language that can only be manufactured and applied with that despotic and confusing Chinese mind-set, to further confuse the already confused mind.
Anything and anyone from that unique Chinese environment will not have any true recognition from the Chinese themselves, for somehow the Chinese are never sure whether or not they themselves exist or not. Besides the fact that all the Chinese recognitions are involuntary and forced by authority with the muzzle of a gun pointed toward their heads, the language that reflects that fuzziness and muddle-headedness is the culprit to blame. This Subjective language greatly enhances a quasi-semi-existence the Chinese feel every moment themselves.
Can you imagine any book of law, any scientific paper, any documents for human existence in reality can be written in Chinese??!! Worse, while the entire world is clear enough NOT to adopt anything that remotely resembles the Chinese-character-based, syllabic language as the language for the world, the Chinese themselves are obsessed with their own exteme Subjective, self-deceiving, mind-confusing language. Not only do they not study and understand its extreme harmful effect on the Chinese mind, or on any human mind for that matter, they espouse it as their most important identity of which they are very proud.
The very lack of the Chinese self-identity (individual as well as collective) is closely tied to the very despotic, very subjective, very provincial, very self-absorbed, very enslaving Chinese language itself. With it, the Chinese lock themselves in a small, rectangle box, and proudly claim that the knowledge of the entire world is within the limit of that small box, not knowing, not recognizing that they are only deceiving themselves. The world and the entire humanity not only do NOT buy into this version of non-reality, the world and the entire humanity will continue to use the alphabetic language, mainly English, to advance human cause of freedom. And they are leaving China farther and farther behind.
Have you wondered about the same thing I have wondered here? Namely, not only does the world have doubts about genuineness from all things manufactured in China, the Chinese themselves doubt about the same thing. All the Chinese educational institutions and the products they have turned out need to be verified and re-verified in the open and free market of the world with its open and free competition fostered by an Objective language that all human can understand and utilize to describe, understand, interpret and decipher reality. With it, a real or close-to-real version of the objective reality can be recorded, used to further establish, interpret and explore into the unknown in the future.
Why do the Chinese themselves doubt about their own version of pseudo-reality? There must be God.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯