Athletes' Letter to Beijing Olympics
我呼吁所有世界上有良知的运动员,教练员,运动爱好者,旅游者在2008年的北京奥运期间,加入我们“北京奥运自由衫”的全球运动。 请在你去北京的期间,在去天安门,故宫,长城,颐和园游览的时候,在你们参赛与观看比赛的时候,穿上我们的“奥运自由衫”以表达你的对“真理,正义,自由,尊严”的向往与崇尚。 --- 陈凯
I call for all the athletes, coaches, sports fans, tourists of conscience to join us in our global "Olympic Freedom T Shirt" movement: When you go to Beijing to participate and to view the 2008 Olympics, when you tour Tiananmen, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, please wear our "Olympic Freedom T Shirt" to show your support for the values of "Truth, Justice, Freedom and Dignity" for all human beings on this planet of earth. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
As we are launching our global 2008 "Beijing Olympic Freedom T Shirt" movement, I like to paste this open letter from the world athletes to Beijing Olympics here.
As Darfur issue has become a pressing concern of the day, people in the world should understand that a government and regime that violets human rights and tramples on human dignity at home will never respect values as such anywhere in the world.
I call upon all the people of conscience in the world to join us in our "Olympic Freedom T Shirt" movement to exert pressure on the Chinese communist government and to push the cause of Freedom in the world forward.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯
Athlete Letter
If you would like to sign the Athlete Letter, email: dream.darfur@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
An Open Letter to the Government of the People’s Republic of China:
We, as athletes, cannot look on with indifference to the massive human suffering an destruction that continue in the Darfur region of Sudan. Ethnically-targeted human destruction of Darfur’s African tribal populations has entered its fifth year, and still the world has not responded---has not provided protection for millions of vulnerable civilians or for the world’s largest and most endangered humanitarian operation.
All too clearly the Government of Sudan in Khartoum believes that there is not enough outrage, not enough will or resolve on the part of the international community, to halt its brutal counter-insurgency war. And no country within the international community has done more than China to convince the Khartoum regime that it will pay no price for continuing to deny the proAthtection force authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1706. With its huge economic investments and oil interests in Sudan, as well as its lucrative weapons trade, China has given unstinting diplomatic protection to Khartoum, and convinced the regime to defy the international community.
China cannot be a legitimate host to the premiere international event in the sporting world---the Summer Olympic Games---while it remains complicit in the terrible suffering and destruction that continues to this day.
As professional athletes and concerned human beings, we call on the People’s Republic of China to use all available diplomatic resources and economic pressure to end the agony of Darfur, and to secure access for UN peace support personnel.
Signed: Kai Chen (a former Chinese National Basketball Team player)