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派系-中国道德虚无的必然 Factions-Moral Blackhole in China

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:28 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Factions-Moral Blackhole in China


Morality without religion is a tree without roots; a stream without any spring to feed it; a house built on the sand; a pleasant place to live in till the heavens grow dark, and the storm begins to beat. --- James Boylan Shaw

没有信仰的道德只能是无根之树,无源之水,只能是建在松沙上的房子,只能是在黑暗与风暴降临之前的一片歇息地。 --- James Boylan Shaw


Dear Visitors:

The difference between humans and animals is that only humans will pursue moral certainty. The pursuit of moral certainty is the main part of human yearning for a meaningful life. It is much as human's thirst for knowledge with their endless scientific inquiry and exploration into the unknown. Yet the premise for all human endeavors has to be there is indeed eternal truth and morality, so that their tireless and courageous pursuit is not in vain, or is not just some enormous self-deception.

It is only faith among human faculties that ensures us with a sense of meaning and progress. Any nihilist being, ancient or modern, will tell you that human lives are meaningless and our existence and all that we do is only nothingness, and death is the only certainty in humanity. Why bother?!

Two versions of human value orientations: Existence or Nothingness. Which one do you adopt?

We all know that factional struggle is an ugiquitous phenomenon in the Chinese civic life. People base their factions on birth places, accents, dialects, nationalities, diet, skin color, gender, vocation, age, etc. And they fight viciously and constantly against other factions, not even knowing why there are factions in the first place and why they fight at all. And I don't think there is a slight intentiong to know. They are all only following what their own ancestors went through. Their moral certainty only comes from one source -- their own cultural tradition.

If you look around the world, factional struggle is also a necessary part of any societies absent of Christianity - its humanity and moral absolutes that are based on truth-seeking. Factions in China and in those societies that lack moral absolutes have long become the menifestation of perversion in human pursuit of their moral certainty:

During Mao's reign in China, enemies or friends became the only judgment of human moral certainty. In ancient time in China, power - the measure of one's strengths and weaknesses was the only criterion for the Chinese to value their conduct. Nowadays in China, in addition of enemy-making and power-worship, "people racism" - whether one is for or against China, Chinese cultural tradition and Chinese ancestors has increasingly become the modern standard for the Chinese to judge what is good or bad, right or wrong. They have found their new source to solidify their search for moral certainty, thanks much for the communists' manipulation with their spiritual narcotics for the purpose of prolonging their regime - the nihilist Yollow Race and Motherland.

Even among the so-called Chinese dissident groups, one can easily detect that insidious presence of factional struggle. Some say this is only human phenomenon. I don't think so. I have concluded this is an anti-human phenomenon.

I have been in the US for many years, yet not a single time I have experienced the phenomenon of factional struggle, aside from the Chinese community. The absence of this evil phenomenon has made my life much easier and more enjoyable. And I can finally relax to live a normal and productive life. Surely in America there is such thing as personal likes and dislikes, surely there are intense debates, fierce arguments and open, transparent opposing political views and parties. Yet humans in the US all operate within the framework of some moral absolutes. Even facing one's worst political enemy, this moral standard and baseline of decent conduct has never been broken. What a marvelous and miraculous occurrence in human history!! What a constructive and productive political culture Americans have built for themselves and for mankind as an example!!

If you have ever witnessed a presidential debate on TV during the election years, you will know what I am talking about. Open and transparent political debates, honest exchange of personal views, constructive dialogues among opposing political parties can only exist with a solid political culture based upon objective truth and moral absolutes. And so far it only happens in the societies with Christian values founded on Christ teachings. It is not a coincidence. There is a definite causal relationship between the two.

In a country like China where this is a total lack of moral absolutes, where people operate in a blackhole of moral vacuum, perversion is often the norm in human search for moral certainty. This perversion dominates the entire human existence in Chinese civic life, making everyone a warped, distorted devil inclined only to eat other humans alive. Deadly factional struggle is only a necessary outgrowth of such a perversion.

"People Racists" are only the grandiose version of the Chinese factional struggle against other nations and races. They only compare China with the US, they have never contrasted China and the US. They make all cultures equal, and all values equal, so progress as a concept has been effectively eradicated in their consciousness. Everything in the world has become man-eating-man-eating-man-eating-man..., just like in the Chinese dynastic cycle. Then and only then, the Chinese will feel a little consoled, knowing there is no difference morally between China and the US. "Everyone is only nothingness, just like us". The Chinese speak outloud to themselves, falling deeper into the stupor, into their blackhole of their own making.

I have met quite a few such Chinese who used to be my friends. But eventually I have found they have been sucked too deep in their moral vaccum that the only thing they can morally identify in life is their beloved, nihilistic, man-eating ancestral land called China. And the only way to fight against that blackhole is to stay away mentally and spiritually far from it, and to walk steadily, courageously and purposefully toward existence with moral absolutes -- life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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