真理,正义,自由,尊严 Truth, Justice, Liberty, Dignity
Jealousy is Evil
专制奴役的基石是那些忌恨他人成就,自由与幸福而拒绝自强的人。 邪恶就是那些从人的软弱中所繁衍出来的一切思维与行为。 --- 陈凯
The corner stones for despotism and slavery are those who resent other people's achievement, freedom and happiness while refusing to do anything about their own unhappiness and imprisonment in misery. Evil is all that what grows out of human weaknesses. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Some people have told me that my (Kai Chen's) very existence threatens others and shaken their own existence to the core. I don't disagree with that assessment. And I think it is a good thing that I, as a real person, exist.
Many people don't want to see others happy and free, for the very reason that they are living in misery themselves. But this very state of existence based on jealousy, resentment, hatred, helplessness, mental and physical impotence is exactly the foundation of slavery and despotism.
It takes wisdom, willingness, hope, optimism, strength, courage - the virtues that ensure the existence of a free society to appreciate others' success, freedom and happiness. This is why I am constantly amazed at the fact that in America, people are happy to see others happy. This positive phenomenon is entirely lacking in China and other despotic societies. In those societies, especially in China, seeing and wishing others worse-off than oneself is the norm, for people have no self-awareness and moral absolutes to judge whether they are happy or not. In such a "Zero-Sum Game" society, one's gain is others' loss and vice versa, one's loss is others' gain. Taking advantage of others' misfortune and misery to gain for oneself defines the terms "Chinese shrewdness" and "Confucian wisdom".
In a society that is without God, the only criterion that one is happy is to see others suffer more than oneself. If that is not the case, in these despotic societies, one will take action or at least have some ill wish to make sure that others suffer more than oneself. This is in sharp, fundamental contrast between slavery and freedom, between China and America. A person living with freedom with moral absolutes will always be happy to see his fellow human beings as free and happy as he is himself.
Indeed I am very cognizant of the fact that my freedom, success and happiness post a big threat to those who live in misery and meanwhile hope everyone else lives in misery with them. Some say to me that if I am free and happy, I should just keep that to myself (keep my mouth shut) and not show others around about my joy and freedom. I used to think the same way. But not anymore. I feel I now have an obligation to tell people how true freedom and happiness are achieved, especially after 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and 9/11 in 2001. I have realized that evil has a lot of strength and it depends on the silence of the good people, for if no one speaks out against evil, it can propagate its venom among all human societies without impediment. If you don't attack evil, evil will attack you. If the good people keep their mouths shut, evil will have a green light to poison our young and those vulnerable.
I have realized that I must talk, and talk out loud, with passion, enthusiasm, strength and conviction. I must tell people that freedom is possible, is real, is worth your effort and work. I must tell people that true happiness and joy is possible, as long as you have a strong faith in truth, justice, freedom and absolute morals, as long as you are willing to pay a price, as long as you have the courage to face down your own fear.
I must open myself to you, so you will know that I am, indeed, real.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯