Kneeling before Despots - Portrait of Slaves
From Song Jiang to Zhang Yimou to Wang Zhizhi, all the so called Chinese rebels somehow invariably end up as willing eunuchs kneeling down before their oppressors -- the Chinese despots who tortured, raped and persecuted them. This primarily is because of the faithless nature of the Chinese culture in which the Chinese individuals only search for the meaning of their own existence in the recognition from the oppressive state -- the reason for their rebellion in the first place. A vicious cycle thus is complete. --- Kai Chen
从宋江到张艺谋到王治郅..., 几乎所有的在中国的反叛者们都最终跪拜在中国的压迫者面前,跪拜在那些曾强奸和折磨他们的统治者面前,寻求招安。 这主要是因为中国无神(无真实信仰)崇祖的文化的强大禁锢。 在这种强大的传统禁锢之下,中国的个人只从皇上社稷的认可中寻找自身生命的意义。 但他们的弱智无德使他们认识不到从压迫者那里寻求认可正是中国恶性朝代循环的根源。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
I recently read a book entitled "Chinese Lessons" by an American student and journalist in China. He followed the ups and downs of five Chinese classmates in Nanjing University and depicted the lives and society in modern China since the Cultural Revolution.
The most disturbing and obvious phenomenon is many of these Chinese individuals eventually willingly went back to the state and the despotic authority to seek the meaning of their lives. Some student protestors from the June 4th era also became voluntarily self-castrated eunuchs to serve the state they had rebelled against years before. What makes the Chinese step into the same old mode of surrendering their integrity and dignity to their oppressors? I can only conclude that it is the faithlessness combined with a mindless worship of the Chinese ancient culture and ancestors.
The Chinese simply have nothing to believe in for the meaning of their own existence. The oppressive state ultimately supplants itself to replace everything they, the individuals, have ever doubtfully believed to have become the only source to verify their own existence. Without the state, their lives have no meaning and their existences have no sustenance. Thus in China, the evil, the vicious authoritarians, the oppressors, the eunuchs all end up on top, despite millions upon millions lives lost and rivers of blood shed. China somehow always remains the same, regardless the seemingly great effort to change it.
To cure this fatal defect, introduction of a true faith -- Christianity, Christian values and Christ teaching is crucial, for only in such a value system, people can become independent individuals communicating with their own conscience -- God to resist all things evil, regardless how powerful and how ever-lasting they seem to be. And only in such a value system, history can be linear and progressive, NOT circular like China's dynasties.
Reexamine the roots of evil and establish your faith in truth and freedom -- preached by Christ himself and the faith he has established. Then and only then, the world history can be pushed forward by you -- the UNMOVABLE MOVERS, armed with your dignity, your integrity, your conscience, your willingness to seek truth, justice, freedom and happiness.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯