Why Create Something You Hate?
如果你不想创造一个你所痛恨,鄙视,为之绝望的环境与制度,不要做你所痛恨,鄙视,为之绝望的人,不要做你所痛恨,鄙视,为之绝望的事,不要创造一个你所痛恨,鄙视,为之绝望的政府与制度。 --- 陈凯
If you don't want to create an environment and a system that you hate, despise and despair over, don't be a person you will hate, despise and despair over, don't do things that you will hate, despise and despair over, don't create a government you will hate, despise and despair over. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I have read two articles on today's LA Times about China's corruption and invasion into citizens' privacy. I paste the links here for you to read.
The Chinese language and culture have created a perverted mindset of the Chinese ordinary people. On the one hand they yearn for a "Strong China", an "Omnipotent and Omnipresent government" so that they can have a "Polished face", ensure their false sense of "Security" and feel "Pride" to be a Chinese. One the other hand, they hate, despise, and despair over the China they have created with their own passivity, irrationality, yin-yang mindset, "Monkey King complex", and a perverted sense of national pride. In short, the Chinese have always created and produced something they will always hate, despise and despair over. "Great Wall Syndrome" as I call it, this pathological mindset somehow wants to pride themselves after something that oppresses them, that depresses them, that represses them. "One country, two systems" that has created such corruption and violation of individual rights is another example of the Chinese, with their contradiction-oriented psyche, always inclining toward self-destructive thinking and behavior.
In this vicious cycle, the Chinese character-based, syllabic language plays a major role so the Chinese themselves are devoid of rationality, logic, essence and consistency and blind from truth and reality.
In sharp contrast, Americans always pride themselves after the government and the system they have created and maintained, for English language, an alphabetic, analytical, logic, definable and consistent language has contributed a great deal to their progress and self-awareness.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯