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大国崛起vs.人的自由与尊严 Nationalism vs. Human Freedom

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:41 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Nationalism vs. Human Freedom


中国人迷恋于以群体,如国,族,教,给个人下定义。 而西方,美国则正相反。 在一个自由的文化与国土上,个体的自由的存在与表达为其所在的群体下定义。 中国与西方,美国哪有比较?? 中国与西方,美国只有对照。 --- 陈凯

The Chinese are obsessed with the notion that only the collective, such as a nation, a race, a religion, etc., can define an individual and therefore endow an individual with meaning. It is the opposite in the West and America. Here in a culture of freedom and on the land of freedom, only the individual's free and full expression of himself gives meaning to the collective he is in. Therefore, it is the individual who has the ultimate power to instill meaning in the collective. Where is comparison between China and America?? There is none. Between China and America, there is only CONTRAST. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Yesterday I went on the internet and glimpsed over the recent Chinese documentary movie "The Rise of A Great Nation" 大国崛起. I didn't know if I want to laugh, I want to cry or I want to vomit.

Cultural and spiritual narcotics has seeped so deep into the Chinese souls that in everything they do and in everything they say, you can smell, taste, hear, see and touch the decay, the addictive poison and the rotten corpses that are walking around, pretending to be alive.

There is no doubt that this movie has been made under the tutelage and tutorage of the Chinese communist party, in their desperate attempt to establish its legitimacy among the Chinese and to regain its footing in maintaining their unchallenged, though wavering power. This is another form of political propaganda, not quite by wielding a gun above the Chinese heads to stuff it down the Chinese throats, like Mao did before. But this is done in a more insidious and pernicious way, much like what the Confucius did to the Chinese. This form of propaganda is done by appealing to the weakness and using the addictiveness of the Chinese people themselves to cultural opium. By using the susceptible Chinese psyche and mindset to all kinds of cultural and spiritual narcotics, the Chinese communists seduce the Chinese with the glory of a "Great Nation", the omnipresent obsession of the Chinese "Face" to bring all the Chinese into their fold. The communists understand the Chinese, understand their total lack of "self" and the concept of "individual", understand their yearning for saviors, understand their fear of their own greatness as individuals, understand their obsession with maintaining a stagnant social order, understand their thirst for collective domination in the world, understand their deep Confucian mind-set.... The Chinese communists are thus secure.

Power and security are the only things the communists care about, and unfortunately, they are the only things the Chinese people themselves care about. Freedom, individual, joy, happiness, meaning, spirit and soul, conscience..., are not in the Chinese mindset, are not in the Chinese vocabulary. They are infatuated with their "great nation" and "great civilization". Each Chinese individual lives in a quiet desperation, yet they get a daily dose of potent cultural narcotics to keep them going, to keep them in a state of orgasmic euphoria - a ecstatic fantasy that Buddhist monks spend their life time to reach - by emptying their mind. That is why the Chinese individuals need to be with crowd all the time, need to stay away from seclusion with peace and quite all the time. They need "messiness and noise", 热闹,to numb their own mind so they can be oblivious to their own true existence. Even in their quiet moment, their own mind is not on searching for the truth and meaning of their lives, but on how to escape from these fundamental and inescapable human issues and attributes. So they meditate and do "Tai Chi", drink and play "Majiang", NOT to be in touch with reality, but to escape reality.

Now the Chinese communists supply them with another dose of narcotics -- "The Great Nation" 大国, and the Chinese are just too willing to swallow it, for their old fix is less and less potent. Money, sex, power, material things can no longer fully fill their void. They need something more potent, and the communists are just too willing to oblige.

Isn't this the essence of the Chinese dynastic cycle? The drug addicts keep wanting more drugs, the drug manufacturers keep supplying them with more and more potent narcotics, the drug sellers (the eunuch Chinese intellectuals) keep inventing all the schemes to sell the Chinese all kinds of "designer drugs".... Over and over again, until the Chinese mind goes entirely dark, with the Chinese soul entirely missing, their physical existences entirely devoid of nutrition, their mind entirely empty from meaning. Then, these "Monkey Kings", 孙悟空们,will pull out their "Magic Club", 金箍棒,from nowhere to smash everything around them when they realize that they are dying. Then an old dynasty comes to an end, and a new dynasty starts to come into being.... Over and over again, till the end of time.

Between "a great nation" and your individual freedom and dignity, what do YOU want? Choose. And you will have to take all that comes from your own very individual choice.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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