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人与人斗,其恶无穷 Chinese Joy over Man Eating Man

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:35 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

On Chinese Joy over Man Eating Man


[size=18]一个从“人与人斗”之中寻找乐趣的文化与社会是一个本质邪恶的文化与社会。 一个伟大的与充满希望的社会是一个人们与自身的邪恶与原弊不断斗争的社会,是一个人们在发现自然与社会的真理的过程中不断冲破自身局限的进步社会,是一个人们以人依天胜鬼的道德社会。 --- 陈凯 [/size]

A culture and society that looks for joy in "man fighting man, man eating man" is a culture and society that is corrupt and evil in nature. A society that is great and full of hope is a society in which human beings are constantly fighting against evil and sin within themselves, is a progressive society in which human beings constantly break their own limitations through discovering truth in their natural and social environment, is a moral society in which human beings depend on their faith in God (Goodness) to defeat all dark forces. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Mao once said that there is an endless joy in human fighting against other humans 人与人斗,其乐无穷. The Confucius also established his pseudo moral code in society on man oppressing other man, man eating other man to show that they are superior. Man-made human hierarchy is precisely the Confucian device to build a permanent social pyramid to legitimate certain men's privilege to take advantage of other, lesser men.

The entire Chinese civilization is established upon men's relationship with other men, be it obedient or oppressive. If this is NOT the definition of evil and corruption, I don't know what is.

In sharp contrast to the culture of "joyous man-eating-man" in China, Western culture is "progressive" in nature, with its moral values first established on "man fighting against his own sin and evil" and on man's constant, tireless struggle to discover truth in his natural and social environment. Such a progressive culture occurred only after the emergence of Christianity -- the emergence of a moral compass to guide human behavior along the line of truth, freedom, justice, love, search for joy and happiness.

It is too bad that even today, such a culture guided by Christian morals is still too remote for a Chinese mind to comprehend. All Chinese are obsessed with one's status in others' eyes and in society's majority. There is not an iota of concern in the Chinese culture and society about one's relationship with God, with all the moral absolutes established through Christ teachings. Right or wrong is never in the Chinese vocabulary. Strong or weak, friend or foe, us or them, rich or poor, minority or majority, Chinese or foreign still dominate the Chinese thinking. With such a lack of moral absolutes, how can the Chinese ever progress, for they will never know in what direction they are walking. There is simply no such thing as a moral compass. None. There is only an ancient ruler called Confucianism to measure distance in front one's eyes.

You wonder why the Chinese are like those donkeys tied on a pole to drag millstones, walking in an endless vicious cycle of dynasties.

So now the world presents the Chinese with a moral compass -- the Christ teachings and Christian values. But the cultural narcotics purified through thousands of years' of Confucianism has so poisoned the Chinese senses that they cannot see the truth. Unless they realize that they themselves are the biggest obstacles in their own progress, they will remain forever backward and reactionary. And they will remain a big threat to human progress and freedom in the world.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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