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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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中国文字,文化与基因的近亲乱伦 The Inc
中国文字,文化与基因的近亲乱伦 The Incest
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:32 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
The Chinese Cultural & Genetic Incest
中国的方块,相形的单音节文字导致了乱赋义,无赋义与泛赋义的文字强奸与乱伦。 中国从秦皇到共产的“井田制”与“户口”造成了中国人生理基因的近亲乱伦与退化。 中国文化的闭塞与其内交乱伦造成了中国人畸形病态的“人鬼情结”,“孙猴子情结”与“阴阳宦官情结“,造成了中国人自欺败坏的道德虚无, 道德相对心态。 "内交”,“自交”,“他阉”与“自阉”是中国人习以为常的普遍行为。 畸形丑陋的产物便是必然。
只有自由是上苍的人的真正伦理。 中国人到了该用上苍的人的真正伦理为中国的文字,文化,生理与政治“正伦”的时候了。 --- 陈凯
The Chinese square-looking, pictorial, character-based syllabic language, from its beginning, has led to a linguistic nihilism, a subjective and despotic rape of human reasoning faculties, an linguistic incest that causes distortion of reality and deformity of human psyche. From the first Chinese emperor's invention of "Well-to-Farmland" system that chained humans to their geographical location, to the modern Chinese communists' inheritance of it by the system of "Residential Registration", the physiological degeneration of human genetics by close-relative incest among the Chinese families, by the xenophobic racist tendencies coupled with a negative "cultural selection" has caused invisible but real and grave damaging consequences. The Chinese cultural incest originated from a closed and stagnant cultural environment in an Oriental despotic setting, has caused inevitably the Chinese warped perception of reality, the distorted sense of logic and rationality and the moral relativism and nihilism. The "human-devil complex", the "Monkey King complex", "the self-castrating eunuch complex" and the "Yin-Yang existence" are the necessary products from such incest,ugly and deformed as they always have to be.
Only freedom is the normal, the natural, the healthy, the true way of life from God. Now it is time to use Freedom as the antidote to cure the sickness and deformity from the Chinese incest in their language, culture, genetics and political institutions. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
It is no secret that the Chinese family and its extended form often live within close-proximity. With China's more than a billion population, the Chinese only have a hundred or so last names. The despotic cultural tradition, originated by the first Chinese emperor and Confucius, greatly contributes to this damaging phenomenon. As a result, people within one village often marry to one another, even they are related by blood, for from the beginning of the Chinese culture, people have never been free to leave their own land and villages. This is because such a stagnation in population mobility makes the ruler's job much easier. They are very smart, by employing such a scheme, to maintain their power to control. But they are extremely stupid in not realizing the long-term damaging effect of such a system - their subjects have become less and less capable, and more and more degenerated into a form of universal "Eunuchism" incapable of producing any values. They are only good to serve the state and the emperor. Steal, cheat, rob, memorize, copy and brown-nosing are the only things they can do. The Chinese despots have never realized that with their ancestors' language, culture and political institutions, they have only succeeded in creating a nation of zombies.
"Negative cultural selection", which added onto this stagnation in mobility, has also contributed to the degeneration of the Chinese population. The ones who leave China often flourish overseas and the ones remain continue this vicious cycle of man-eating-man.
"Linguistic incest and rape" in the Chinese language has been going on forever. Because of the nature of the Chinese pictorial, syllabic language, people are shackled into a physically and phonically restricted space. Creation of new characters (with new syllables) and thus new space to define new information does not exist in China. So people have to artificially and arbitrarily force new meaning into the shackled written and sounding forms. Distorted and deformed perception of reality is only the only result.
"Cultural incest" in China is not new, for xenophobia has always been the Chinese tradition. Anything foreign, anything different, anything new is to be feared, discriminated against and annihilated in the end. Only the pure form of Chinese despotism and Confucianism, or anything closely related to such a system, such as Fascism and Communism, can be allowed to marry the Chinese tradition. Thus we have Maoism - a monstrous offspring of such a marriage that was aimed to eliminate all humans, all existence on earth, in order to achieve power and domination.
To end this rape, incest and the products from such evil practices, humans must be returned back to their original, natural form before God. And the only antidote for the most potent poisons released from this incest and rape is Freedom. Individual's free will must be restored and respected, regarding their own geographical mobility, language tools, creation of new culture and choice of a free and democratic political system and an economic setting.
God's law must be observed and restored in order to clean up the monstrous damage caused by the Chinese rape and incest, and that God's law is none other than - Human Freedom.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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