鬼节-面对, 克服恐惧之节
Halloween's Positive Effect
恐惧淹没人的良知与灵魂。 只有主动面对自身恐惧,克服自身恐惧的人才是真正有良知与灵魂的人。 --- 陈凯
Fear overwhelms and corrodes one's soul and conscience. Only those who actively face and overcome their own inner fear can be said to have a healthy psyche and intact soul. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Halloween is just around the corner. Every time when I sit in front of my house and hand out candies for the kids in various scary costumes, I think about this American holiday.
Why does America have such a strange holiday? Have you asked yourself that question before? What does it mean and do to a society's psyche and mindset?
Only a society that is interested in its own mental and psychological health can devise such a holiday. It is to remind people that fear is constantly in their way to obstruct their progress toward the future. The fear is real. The fear is always there in our heart and soul. We have to be aware, constantly, of its existence and its corrosive and destructive effect to our own fulfillment as human beings. To overcome this negative element in ourselves, we must make a choice to face the existence of it in order to overcome it.
Avoiding, escaping, detaching ourselves from our true existence, true inner thoughts and feelings, true selves has been perhaps the most devastating cultural defect facing the Chinese since China came into existence. Denial of the existence of fear inside of each of us results in NOT facing this very real aspect of our existence. It renders each and everyone of us impotent in our effort to understand ourselves and overcome all the destructive instincts that impede our own progress toward being a better person, a better society with a better future. Stagnation and vicious cycles are the only necessary result of such denial and avoidance of the truth and reality.
The Chinese must face their own inner demons -- their own deepest fear to face truth and reality. They must establish a true faith to help them overcome their inner fear. But before they overcome it they have to admit that fear indeed exists, it exists inside of us, in our heart and soul. Though fear may help us escape an immediate danger, it will forever obstruct our growth as a person. If someone resorts only to fear to base his existence, it is tantamount to liken to a person with only nerves with NO brain and NO spirit.
Maybe the Chinese should have their own Halloween to remind themselves that they must face fear first in order to overcome it to become better persons.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯