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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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如中美中台战争,你在那方?Where Do You Stand?
如中美中台战争,你在那方?Where Do You Stand?
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:59 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Where Do You Stand in Case of Wars?
All sects are different, because they come from men; morality is everywhere the same, because it comes from God. --- Voltaire
所有宗教派系只是不同而已,因为它们只是来自人们;道德在所有场合地点都是一致的,因为它是来自上苍。 --- Voltaire
Dear Visitors:
Since the WWII and the end of the Cold War, a great yet logical phenomenon has emerged: Powerful despotic regimes and dictatorships have all been defeated and have all met their unwilling and necessary demises. And the only powerful nations remain on earth, mainly represented by America, are free and democratic. (Russia remain dubious in their nature of societies, and China is the last stronghold for despotism but it has already felt the shaking before its inevitable demise.)
Yet, because of this positive occurrence, somehow many in the world, due to different reasons, but mainly because of their moral confusion and lack of true morality, start to identify what is good with what is weak. Thus, the potential despots and dictators, much like Hitler before the war, or Mao before the Chinese communist take-over start to have again, one more weapon in their posession, (besides the attribute they have already exploited to gain their evil power, such as people's race, religion, ethnicity, ancestral tradition, etc.) -- their own weakness and poverty and their own drawing morality out of that weakness and poverty.
Being poor and weak nowadays has become the main source of people's moral certainty. Poor vs. rich and the weak vs. the strong now have somehow become the universal standard of human morality, with the liberals and the leftists fanning the flame on the side. True morality, that is freedom, justice, life and human happiness, is abandoned all together. Small against big, us against them, disadvantaged against developed, poor against rich, weak against strong all become the foundation of their evil immorality propagated by the devil.
Look around the world, people in Palestine, dissatisfied with their own authorities' corruption and incompetence, are banded together to support Hammas, as long as Hammas claims to be anti-Israel and anti-America. People in Lebanon will support Hazebulla the terrorists, as long as they are against Israel and America. Their own countries' degenerated and miserable moral state has never been their concern.
In a immoral and amoral society like China, the communist oppressors know just too well how to control a Godless population: As long as they create an outside enemy, such as Taiwan, such as America, such as Japan, which are strong and democratic societies, the Chinese despots can always claim legitimacy and appeal to their own soulless population that they are the poor and weak who are against the rich and the powerful. And their weakness, poverty and decadence are not because of their own moral vacuum and spiritual degeneration, but due to some foreign elements and betrayal of some local Chinese against the Chinese tradition and ancestors. And the population will invariably buy into their pseudo moral scheme and support their oppressive regime, no matter how much of their own blood has stained the regime's hands. The fact and the truth that it is the Chinese who have killed most Chinese in history, not the foreigners, and that it is the evil communist regime that has killed 80 million Chinese during their reign of terror, have somehow eluded their own consciousness. As long as there is a foreigner to fight against, the Chinese will feel morally certain and superior. This is much like nowadays situation in the Muslim world -- some words from a pope, a novel and even just a cartoon will inflame a pseudo moral indignation from the indeginous population against the world, while the oppression of women, the cruel Islamic laws, the violence advocated and spread by some religious leaders, the killing of millions of Muslims by their own regimes and religious zealots can all be swept under the carpet. Somehow the faults are all from other people, and they are never responsible for themselves.
Yet, immorality is always contradictory in its own internal logic: While the Chinese regime is trying to brain-wash the Chinese population with "might makes right" theme, and claim that if China is powerful enough, it can make its own morality, they are claiming that they are moral because they are poor and weak. The Chinese people are forever fed with the dose of fake morality, again, much like the current situation in the Muslim world. They want to topple what is strong, regardless what is moral, to be the strong, yet base all their support on the morality that they are poor and weak. So they have become "poor and helpless" suicide bombers to fight for their religion's and nation's glory.
Most leftists and liberals in the West and America also are buying into this pseudo morality, feeling guilty about their own position of being rich and powerful, thinking there must be something wrong about their own society, since, in their confused mind, being poor and weak (much like what is in the communist theory) is being good and moral.
Yet they forever fail to recognize the absoluteness of morality. They forever fail to recognize all the wars America has fought are just and moral wars, for governed by America's internal checks and balances in its constitution and Christian values in its civil society, they are aimed at advancing human freedom, regardless who is weak or strong, poor or rich. Prosperity and strength has nothing to do with building and forming human morality. They are only the results of humans observing the objective truths, recognizing reality and obeying absolute morality under God.
Now the world has been, weirdly and ungodly, devided into amoral and immoral sections, not by what directions and morality people should follow, but by the posessions and strength people have: What is poor and evil, weak and wicked are now all banded together against what is rich and beautiful, strong and righteous. And in some twisted way, this dose of immorality provides irresistable fake moral certainty and incentives for Islamic suicide bombers and the Chinese "people racists" like 郭飞熊,潘一丁,大楚兴....
Now these Islamic Fascists and the Chinese neo-Nazists not only have found their pseudo morality in their own skin color, ethnicity, nationality, cultural tradition, language..., they have found this pseudo morality in their own weaknesses, in their own poverty, in their own ignorance.... The Chinese communists have openly claimed that if they were to go out, they would go out with a bang, and they would go out and bring half of the Chinese population with them. This is not a surprise, giving the amount of crimes the Chinese communists have committed against humanity. But it is quite a curious phenomenon to have seen people like 郭飞熊 who willingly want to sacrifice their own lives to be some terra-cotta warriors with flesh and blood to be buried and entombed with the despots and the dictators, all under some nihilistic name "China". And I know there are quite a number of people in China willing to do the same.
Now back to the question: If there were a war between China and America, if there were a war between China and Taiwan, if there were a war between China and Japan, where do you stand??
These is not quite a hypothetical question anymore. It is a distinct possibility in a not too distant future, facing the impending demise of the Chinese communist regime, with their unequivocal assertion that they will do all they can to bring most Chinese down with them, taking them as hostages as well as suicide bombers, and live terra cottas to be buried with them, to fight the "foreign devils" and the "Chinese traitors" to their last breath.
Where do you stand if such war happens? Your position will be the testimony not only to your loyalty and allegiance, but to your morality and humanity as an individual human being.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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