“我”的世界 - 我的政治有效性
American Political Efficacy
True liberty consists in the privilege of enjoying our own rights, not in the destruction of the rights of others. --- George Pinckard
真正的自由在于我们享受自身的权利,而不在于毁灭他人的权利。 --- George Pinckard
Dear Visitors:
There is no such word in Chinese as "Efficacy". Political efficacy is one prominent feature in American culture, which I have yet to experience it in any other cultures. I now translate this phrase "Political Efficacy" into Chinese as “个人自感政治有效性”。
This is a concept alien to many other cultures, especially to those without concept of individual, self, ego, responsibility.... The Chinese are especially alien to such a concept. Efficacy is a concept that individuals in a society feel that they as individuals do count in the political process, and one's own individual vote is very important to the health of such a process. They indeed are the masters of their own society, their own future, their own government, their own culture....
Such a high degree of political efficacy from individuals in America often is taken for granted. But if you dwell on such a concept a little deeper, you will marvel with great relish what a great mind-set this is, and how difficult a country can foster and instill such a great mind-set in its citizens. And then you realize that only a country with a high degree of individualism can have such a mind-set and value their own individual rights to vote,and to voice their own views and opinions.
When I first came to America, I was shocked to hear people telling me: "He is MY lawyer, or he is MY doctor, or he is MY agent...." I thought people who say something like that must be rich and powerful. They have their own individually owned people to serve him only. At least this is what the Chinese translation would sound: 他是我的律师。 他是我的医生。 他是我的代理人。 But in Chinese the meaning of such phrases entail that someone is exclusively for me. Yet in English it only means a relationship under contract. But in America the word "MY"is to indicate that things are starting from "I",related to "Me". Such an expression give the individual a great power, making one the inescapable entity of his or her own decisions. One is thus an active particle to make things happen. Possession is only toward material things, not toward human. "My doctor"does not mean that I own anybody.
With this great individual mind-set,endowed by the English language, in English speaking countries, particular America, people have much higher degree of awareness of their own individual effictiveness and responsibility. Therefore, they view their own countries as their own individual responsibility, inseparable with their own rights and a sense of civic duty.
In sharp contrast, countries like China lack such political efficacy by the individuals. They somehow separate their existences with their country's well being. Yet they blame everything to their own country, making the country the scapegoat, as if they are not the ones who are responsible for it.
Yes, indeed, in China the government, (the collective) oppresses the individuals. In this sense, they are the slaves. However, by shirking off their own responsibility as private citizens, as free individuals under the pretenses and excuses that they are powerless, the individuals in China are actively creating a political culture and a political entity to cover their own skin and to escape their own choices or choicelessness. They use such a government, such a political culture as a shield, as a diversion to escape themselves -- their own free will and their own individual responsibility. In this sense, they are the whores. The slaves who are also whores selling their own souls and responsibility for a morsel of food are the ugliest beings among mankind, for they are the none-existences.
If China can ever have any hope to enter a modern free world, this "slave-whore complex" must be addressed effectively and faced in the open. People must be presented a mirror of morality, by none other than Christian values and Christ teachings. They must know how ugly they are before any positive changes can happen.
I hope my forum adds to this mirror of morality, making people think more about what they as individuals can do to free themselves and their own enslaved mind-set.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯