Chinese Self-Identity is Nonexistent
The one who has no true self-identity is only a pitiful fool. --- Kai Chen
那些没有真实自我认同的并认为自己不自由而无选择的人们只是些可怜的傻瓜。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
If a person does not have individual identity and only collective identity, can he or she truly be answerable to moral absolutes?
This question is indeed a simple but very relevent question, if we are going to reach some meaningful conclusions and meaningful revelations through all the debate, discussion and communication.
Can a Chinese, whose identity is first he is a member of his nation, truly be responsible to his own action and choice as an individual? Should we trust a "Chinese", not an individual human being, to be honest in front of his own conscience, facing his own demons? Can a "Chinese", who is a Chinese first, human being second, individual last be trusted to treat another human being first as a human being? Or most likely he will treat others as himself, owing loyalty to his acestors and government first, not truth and justice?
These are the fundamental questions facing a person in quest of his true identity. As for me, I have to say that I am Kai Chen, a very unique individual first, a human being with soul and conscience second, a father and husband with love of my family third, a writer fourth, a basketball lover and sports fan fifth, a comminity member responsible for my political and social environment..., then after many such dimensions, maybe the last one is I am Chinese, not because I dentify with the traditional values, but only because I was born in China. That is all.
Now you know my identiy, and maybe you understand where I come from when I post my messages. I hope you guys also reflect on your own identity with it many dimensions, and come up with an answer to see where you stand as an individual.
Good luck. Kai Chen 陈凯