陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
On Victimology - Basis for the Left
价值一语: Words of Value:
Wealth is a weak anchor, and glory cannot support a man; this is the law of God, that virtue only is firm, and cannot be shaken by a tempest. --- Pathagoras
财富是无力的锚,荣耀也不能支撑一个人的灵魂; 上苍的法则就是: 只有一个人的德行才是坚实的。 它在任何风暴中也不能被动摇。 --- Pathagoras
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/10/2011)
Being a victim, being poor, weak, sick or handicapped has always been the foundation of morality for all socialists, all communists, all leftists in the world. By assuming that being weak, poor and a victim gives a person moral claims on other people's rights, liberty and property, the leftists and socialists create the biggest lie and contradiction in the modern human history -- They somehow assert that material wealth can save the earth and everyone, can make happy human beings. And their quickest solution is to take away wealth from the rich to give to the poor.
By this very faulty logic and theory, these "good-hearted" leftists and socialists have caused the biggest tragedies and committed the biggest crimes in modern human history. Millions upon millions of people died of political persecution and starvation under socialist and communist regimes, and their "equalizing societies" became universally "privileged societies" based on power and the muzzles of guns. Everyone claims to be a victim in such societies. Mental and spiritual slavery is the only result from such mindset of victimology.
Does being a victim give anybody moral foundation and rights to do whatever he or she pleases?? What kind society is this if it is not a society of mobs, thieves, beggers and robbers??
Not long ago I read an article about an Aids patient deliberately having sex with healthy people, infecting them with the deadly disease. Because one is sick, old, weak, poor, handicapped, victimized.., does his misery and despair give him moral ground and rights to harm and victimize others??
Does the abused have a moral claim on everyone around him that anything he does to them is to be understood and tolerated without any of his own personal responsibility and retribution from God? Does a dying person have any moral responsibility to God and himself?
Weird still, the leftists claim they want to make people better off. Does this claim mean that they want to make people "immoral" in their own logic, since morality is tied to weakness and poverty?? If their claim has any meaning, doesn't it mean they want only a perfectly equal society -- equal in everything that human beings can conceive??
A gigantic deception and lie is what entails in every leftist's propaganda. In the end, all the leaders in the leftist movement want only one thing -- their own unquestioned and unchallenged power to control the population - a population of self-claimed victims, or the spirituallly handicapped, of morally and mentally impoverished.... Keeping you down, keeping everyone down in their misery and self-pity in order to keep the leaders' control on you, on everyone is the only result in any leftist movement and so called revolution.
So think hard about your own moral standing and do not ever attach anything concrete with anything good or evil. Being good or evil can only be defined by good or evil itself. Only when you understand this simple but deep truth, you have a possibility to become a good and moral person, and you have a chance to achieve true freedom and true happiness.