陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Why Do They Hate US - On 9/11?
价值一语: Words of Value:
One that confounds good and evil is an enemy of good. --- Edmund Burke: Impeachment of Warren Hastings
那些将良德与败坏混淆的人是良德的敌人。 --- Edmund Burke: Impeachment of Warren Hastings
The United States of America was attacked on 9/11, not because America is evil, but exactly the opposite, it is because America is good. --- Kai Chen
在美国发生的九一一事件并不是因为美国的败坏,恰恰相反,九一一的发生正是因为美国的优秀与良德。 --- 陈凯
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/8/2011)
It has been five years since that cowardly attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. Every time I look back to that tragic morning when human evil had been committed against human greatness, I will be overwhelmed by strong emotions -- the emotions much like if my beautiful lover being raped by some vicious villains. It is the virtue and beauty of America, not vice and ugliness, that has aroused some beastly desires from those evil ones without a shred of human decency to attack her.
Not far from the ground zero on this fifth anniversary of 9/11, on the campus of Harvard University, former president of Iran was giving a speech in the JFK School of Government. As I watched the events and heard the words from someone who wished America ill, as I heard the anti-values spewing from that mummy-like figure with great deal of moral-relativism and cultural equivalentism, as I heard the words such as "collective sovereignty" and "mutural respect", I realized why they all hate America:
They hate America because America is about truth and real freedom established of individuals, for individuals and by individuals. America is about life and pursuit of happiness. America is for human greatness and progress. America is the primary source for human enlightenment. America is on the pinnacle of human self-knowledge. America is the culmination of human virtues. America respresented and presented as the gravest threat to all the human anti-values that had existed in the past human history and still exist today in a large portion of humanity with their ignorance, confusion, nihilism and never-ending misery:
America's beauty reflects sharply on the ugliness of the rest of humanity. America's virtues make all the smallness of mankind squirm. America's greatness inflicts vicious jealousy and envy from among those who can never create anything but are endlessly adroit in destroying all things of value.
With a peaceful competitive environment, all other so-called ancient and antiquated cultures and societies will have to call it quit, will have to wither away, or will have to die of violent convulsion with the new birth of a progressive, enlightened common culture of humanity, represented and pioneered by America. This is what evil in those cultures and societies can not tolerate, sensing its own inevitable coming demise. Violent hatred toward America is the necessary result of evil's reluctance to back off from the dominance of most part of human history, from the stage of human existence. Thus 9/11 has been destined to have happened, as the last gasp of human evil in its desperate struggle to stay relevant and viable to human spiritual weaknesses, moral confusion and degeneration.
What we now have learned from 9/11 is that evil indeed exists regardless what we wish and how much we tend to deny. We have also learned that evil will never disappear and back off from human progress voluntarily. Naivety and good will alone will not compell evil to wither away and disappear. Purposeful actions and precautions must be taken to advance the cause of human freedom. If the good fails to effectively and vigorously attack the evil, the evil will not hesitate to attack the good and inflict great damage on the good and slow down the pace of human progress. Sensing its own gradual decline and eventual certain death, the evil will do all it can to pull human history backward toward the dark ages where it reigns supreme. Peaceful and unimpeded competition among cultures is the biggest enemy of evil, for time is on the side of good. Eternal vigilance backed by great moral and military strength from the good is a must if human history is to continue to progress toward a better future.
On this fifth anniversary of 9/11, among the great sorrow I feel in my heart and pray for those innocent lives and their loved ones directly affected in that tragic morning, I also hardened my determination to fight for the cause of human freedom so another 9/11 will never happen again. I solute those heroes on 9/11 who gave their lives to fight the evil and save the innocent. And I feel immensely proud to be an American and full of hope for mankind in its struggle for a better tomorrow.
God bless America.