陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Be a Great Man Yourself, the World Will be Great
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
"Only the good and the real can be great. It takes a great man to recognize greatness; it takes a small man to deny greatness. To recognize greatness around you is to allow yourself to be great; to deny greatness around you is to deny and destroy your own greatness. True greatness, like goodness, will manifest itself no matter what. Be brave and prepared to be great yourself, if you don't see any greatness around you." --- Kai Chen
只有真实的和道德的才可能是伟大的。 只有人的伟大才能去承认伟大本身;一个小人往往去否认伟大。 承认你存在周围的伟大其实是允许你自身伟大的可能;否认你存在周围的伟大其实是否认与毁灭你自身伟大的可能。 真正的伟大就像真正的天良一样,不论如何都会闪亮发光。 如果你的周围充满了渺小,拿出勇气,做好准备去表现你自身的伟大。 --- 陈凯
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/4/2011)
China has never been a great country. Mao has never been a great man. They have never been such because they have never been real and never been good.
I have never believed that small men can create a great country. I have always beieved that only great individuals can create a great country. If you ever expect China to be great, be great yourself. If you ever expect China to be free, be free yourself. If you ever expect China to have a hope, be hopeful yourself... You are the one who creates your own tomorrow. You are the one who creates your own fate. Don't be afraid to be great, and don't be afraid of the responsibilities that come with your greatness. Shed your "small man" mentality, manifest your greatness. It is in you, it is in everyone of us. It is always there. Only you are too timid to admit it, or too reluctant to recognize it. But without you showing your greatness, how can the world be great?!