陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Love an Abusive Motherland - a Sickness and Perversion
价值一语: Words of Value:
Give me the liberty to know, to think, to believe, and to utter freely, according to conscience, above all other liberties. --- John Milton
让我在拥有其他自由之前,拥有去得知,去思考,去相信,和根据我自己的良心去畅言的自由。 --- John Milton
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/2/2011)
I often hear this saying, so much so that my ear drums start to burst, that no matter how ugly your parents are, you have to love them, for it is them who give you your life. And by this same token, people will assert that we should have the same attitude toward China -- our motherland.
But there are intrinsic flaws in this saying:
First, they don't state what they mean by "ugly" -- ugly in its (China's) appearances, or ugly in its essence (vicious and evil toward humanity)?! Second, indeed it is the parents who give birth to a child, but do they give life and life's meaning to this child?
I was born in China, my ancestral land, but I never felt that the ancient land gives me my life's meaning. Rather, it is the opposite: each and every one of us, by living a fulfilled life or a miserable life, gives meaning to this ancestral land. To choose passivity and let the land to give you your life's meaning is a rather stupid choice, for no one can truly define what this land means, unless you are with absolute power backed by guns and violence, much like all the emperors and the communists. Such violence and bloodshed backed by guns indeed defines that China is, so in essence, all the emperors and communists have not escaped the enslaved state of being -- China itself.
I chose America as my country, for my life's meaning is congruent with the principles America stands for. I refuse to let "China" enslave me and my spirit, for I believe it is human being that is free, not land, government or culture. China, as a culture and as a blood-soaked land, is not just ugly in its appearances, it is indeed ugly in its essence. It is evil and vicious. I realize that the only way to fight this evil and viciousness is not to join in to reform and change it, but rather, to free from it by establishing an entirely new way of thinking, of believing, or behaving:
If your parents abused you and raped you, don't indulge yourself in the illusion of changing them, or ill sentiment of self-pity. You can never change and reform EVIL, you can only defeat it by freeing yourself from it. You can only win by establish yourself with an entirely new and progressive culture, an entirely new set of values of freedom, life and pursuit of happiness. Rid off your pity and self-pity, start anew, establish a new life, new you. Make sure you don't become just like your parents -- passive, abusive, self-delusional, irrational, schezophrenic, nihilistic beings. Make sure you don't become the enbodiment of your ancient motherland. Make sure that you are free.
I am immensely moved by the story of NBA player, Bruce Bowen of San Antonio Spurs: Though his parents abused him and neglected him, he made sure he had found a circle of friends to support him when he was yound, in his own neighborhood. When he became famous and rich in NBA, he never went back to his parents even his parents attempted to contact him. Instead, he stayed with the true friends in his childhood who supported him in the absence of his parents. This is a morally clear individual that I admire. He never let his bloodline confuse him about what is right and wrong. Instead, he made a vow to break away from the vicious cycle of victims and abusers. He became a great parent to his children and great example of how one can, with courage and help of God, break away from the ugly, evil trap of bloodline. A new and good cycle of progress, freedom and happiness has been established, by one man's courage, wisdom and determination not to repeat the vicious cycle. Bruce Bowen is indeed, a free man.
The pathological Chinese value of loving ugly, evil parents only perpetuates this vicious cycle, for no one in China believes it is the individuals that give the nation meaning, it is the individuals that give culture, family, relationship, life meaning. The end result in China, as we all witness unmistakably, is another cycle of abuse, rape and bloodshed of another generation. Generation after generation, China repeats this evil cycle. Parents abuse their children, their children abuse their own children.., day after day, year after year. It never ends.
I now ask you: Do you want to repeat the abuse and rape and killings, repeat the vicious cycle by loving your vicous and evil parents and motherland? Or do you want to make an effort to break away from it, to establish a new life, a new way of thinking, a new culture of freedom, life, progress and pursuit of happiness?
It is all up to you, the individual.