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金融经济vs.强权政治 Money vs. Power - Not the Same Thing

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:11 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Money vs. Power - Not the Same Thing

价值一语: Words of Value:

There are three kinds of people in the world, the wills, the won'ts and the can'ts. The first accomplish everything; the second oppose everything; the third fail in everything. --- Eclectic Magazine

这世上有三种人: 有坚强意志的人; 意志软弱的人和无能的人。 第一种是有建树的成功的人; 第二种是无建树而反对一切的人; 第三种是必然的失败者。 --- Eclectic Magazine


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/1/2011)

Among the socialists, the leftists and the Chinese in particular, I often hear such comparison that money and power are both evils. But if one,with slightest common sense and simple logic,can easily see this is one of the greatest fallacies of modern time.

Monetary economy is a prerequisite for a moral, capitalistic, democratic society. All the socialist, communist and despotic societies despise monetary economy in their moral code. In those societies, people invent fake values of social status, ascribed by majority, by tradition, by public, by inheritance, by secular and religious beliefs... They artificially and arbitrarily designate who is valuable and who is not, and treat individuals with suspicion, bias and discrimination if one dares and tries to initiate anything of value.

Capitalism has reversed this evil trend against individuals by inventing a monetary economy to reward risk-taking, individual initiatives and responsibility. It is a merit-based, fair system, regardless where one comes from. It is exactly this fairness and positive reward mechanism in capitalism, especially in America, that attracts all the freedom-loving, capable and ambitious individuals from all over the world to come and exihibit their talent and fulfill their own potentials, in an open market.

Money is color-blind, class-blind, age-blind, gender-blind developing dye. It puts all so called values, regardless where they came from, under an objective light named Market. It uses numbers that everyone can see, rahter than the opaque traditional classical reward system, to manifest and measure how much an individual's contribution in a society is appreciated. It reveals how a person makes use of himself and how a person spends his own capital, thus it puts a person's true values, true characters in the spot light that is open for everyone to see. No one can hide his evil or weakness in such a monetary economy. No one is encouraged to hide and obstruct his own and others' talents and efforts either.

In a monetary economey, the boss wants and expects the subordinates to perform well and they will rationally reward their outstanding performance, in order to keep them to make the company grow. This is the opposite in a Power-worship society. In those societies, the boss fears all the subordinates for he is affaid that one day he will be unseated by one that has more talent in power-grabbing. Thus, sabotaging and undermining each other, especially those with talent and ambition, becomes the prominent feature in such a society. And wishing others ill becomes the only option if one is to feel a sense of well-being.

All the socialist and despotic nations despise money. They demonize money as a degrading factor of human morals, while they manufacture fake morals for people to follow, much like narcotic manufacturers and pushers. Social status, officialdom, public recognition, big government, all become unassailable fake values in such societies. China is a prime example of such a society.

Be very careful with those who claim that money is evil, for maybe they are the real evil ones. Power is often the substitute when money is demonized, and power is the real evil among human societies. And power is a true man-eater, for it can only manifest itself by one dominating another. Power cannot be objectively measured and stored. Only the continued man-eating can satisfy the power-mongers and power-pursuers, making them feel the presence of fake self-worth and a fake identity of who they really are.

It is in such a power-worship society like China, small and despicable men like Mao and his communist cohorts can be artificially valued and admired for their man-eating ability. Great men with real ability to contribute to mankind are all destroyed, degraded, chased away and anihilated for good. So China, the money-hater, the capitalism-hater, (though now they all go after money, they still morally despise money and capitalism, seeing them as a necessary evil) is left with only a society composed of small detestable men who fatasize that by self-castration and blind unity under the collective, somehow each will become great.

The truth is: Small men can only be small and they will only maintain an illusion of greatness by constantly intaking cultural and spiritual narcotics, for every time they open their dreamy eyes, what they wuill discover is only one thing -- self-castrated eunuches with self-hating complex aimed only at destroying others of ability.

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