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穷富 vs. 好坏 Rich or Poor vs. Good or Evil

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:31 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

穷富 vs. 好坏
Rich or Poor vs. Good or Evil

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

穷富并不决定人的好坏善恶。 如何致穷致富却使一个人暴露他的真实品质和他的好坏善恶。

Being rich or poor has absolutely nothing to do with determining a person's character, his being good or evil. But how he gets to be poor or how he gets to be rich invariably tells us about the person's character and his being good or evil.


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/1/2011)

I often hear people, especially those on the left or the communists, say that "money is evil and will lead to evil", therefore "capitalism is evil". But if you resort to your own common sense and open your intellectual and spiritual eyes to see the truth, you will find that those societies who oppose money and capitalism are the darkest, most opaque and most corrupt societies, and those who adhere to capitalist principles with a monetary economy are the least opaque and the least corrupt societies. On the contrary, they are often the most open, most transparent, most free and joyful socieits.

It takes a person's will, ability to resort to common sense, and some courage to admit this fact and thus question the rotten mottos in the leftist camps and the socialist societies.

When I was in China during the Cultural Revolution, money and accumulation of money were the last concern in people's lives, for there is no money, no food, no electricity, no water, no nothing... People are all extremely poor to barely hang on to subsistent survival. Yet I have never witnessed and experienced more evil and viciousness from the poor people who, after being brain-washed by the communists, condemn money and everything capitalism stands for than any other times. They would kill, steal, lie, sell their own bodies and souls, pimp others to sell their bodies and souls, just to breath, just to maintain the normal bodily functions, just to have their own body cavaties stuffed with morsels of others' wastes and leftovers from their body cavaties...

I had never seen a people so poor, yet so evil and vicious in preying upon others, even in their own families, among their friends. Yet, it was these poor people who claimed that being rich is evil, and money is the root of all evil, and pursuit of self-interests is evil, it was these "poor and good" people that had committed the gravest crimes against humanity and against their own conscience. They had created the most human degradation, degeneration, hunger, envy, death and deceits that no human history that existed had ever witnessed. Yet, they want to be "poor", just to be "pure and good". They had persecuted and killed all the rich and then found they were only self-castrated bunch incapable of creating wealth and producing values. The only thing they were good at was man-eating, self-castration and self-deception via addiction to cultural and spiritual narcotics left by their eunuch ancestors and world despots and tyrants.

Even after I came to the US, in my own encounters with some beggers and transients on the streets, I have found only viciousness and shameless self-degradation. For example, if I give some beggers a quarter, not only they don't thank me, they would curse me for they really want a dollar or more. So by showing my pity for them, I have gotten contempt from them. And their only aim is to use people's pity and guilt to extract some values, mostly not really money, but some power over others for a little self-worth, from them. When I realized what the truth behind the being poor and begging is, I have stopped giving anything to the beggers on the streets. I have realized that there is only a thread of difference between a begger and a robber. They all have no capacity of pruducing any values, but great capacity to extract values from those who are capable, by way of deception and (or) force.

In contrast, most rich people in America are self-made people. They have ability and courage to take initiatives and risks. And often the richest people in America are often the most generous people. They never took their money to their graves. Instead they always donate it to the most needed and most valued portion of the society. J. Paul Getty Center in LA is a great museum for art lovers, and it is free to all public for Getty himself had donated his entire live savings to establish a foundation to benefit the public. If you have examined those richest people in America, such as Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, etc.., you will find that almost all of them did the similar deeds.

Open your intellectual and spiritual eyes, you will find that the truth is often opposite of what you were taught in schools and by your governments. The truth is often simple, often understood by common sense, often right under your own very eyes. Yet it is up to you to discover the truth, to uphold the truth with tenacity and courage, and to project your truth-finding mentality to your next generation.

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