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肉眼,智眼与灵眼 Wafa Sultan vs. Self-Loathing Leftists

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:18 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

Wafa Sultan vs. Self-Loathing Leftists

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:


Physical eyes only help us to identify facts; intellectual eyes help us to know truth or false; spiritual eyes shows us what is right or wrong, good or bad.


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 9/30/2011)

On Sunday LA Times' Current Section, there was an article from some leftist liberal (Ms. Stein) entitled: "Meet Islam's Ann Coulter", attacking the courageous Arab American crusader against evil -- Wafa Sultan. This article implies that somehow the ones in a particular culture who attack the evil in the culture are "self-loathing".

Maybe the truth is just the opposite, as I often point out that those who accuse others of false crime usually are the ones who commit the alleged crime: The ones who are trying to protect certain evil culture, or who keep silence facing evil, are the real ones who are self-loathing. They are self-loathing because they are cowards and moral migets against the evils in their own cultures and religions. They are self-loathing because they don't have the intellect and courage to face the wrath from their own ancestors. They are self-loathing because they perpetuate their own state of living that is properly termed -- a state of silent desperation.

When a courageous individual who refuses to join the evil group and who has the courage to expose the evil in the group, he or she is attacked as the traitor of that group, not just by the evil itself, but mostly by the morally confused bunch. I will proudly pronounce myself as a traitor of my ancestors and their evil culture, for I have found what is good. I will proudly call Wafa Sultan my comrade in our joyful crusade against evils in the world, be it with a label of Arab or Chinese.

I now have some paragraphs pasted here:

L.A. Times Archives Document

Meet Islam's Ann Coulter

Los Angeles Times - Los Angeles, Calif.
Author: Stephen Julius Stein
Date: Jun 25, 2006
Start Page: M.2
Section: Current; Part M; Editorial Pages Desk
Text Word Count: 981

Abstract (Document Summary)

Judea Pearl, an attendee and father of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, was one of the few voices of restraint and nuance heard that afternoon. In response to Sultan's assertion that the Koran contains only verses of evil and domination, Pearl said he understood the book also included "verses of peace" that proponents of Islam uphold as the religion's true intent. The Koran's verses on war and brutality, Pearl contended, were "cultural baggage," as are similar verses in the Torah. Unfortunately, his words were drowned out by the cheers for Sultan's full-court press against Islam and Muslims.

You might wonder why a rabbi is so uneasy about Sultan's assault on Muslims and Islam. Here's why: Contrary to practically every mosque in the U.S., the Islamic Center has a regulation in its charter barring funding from foreign countries. As a result, it is an American institution dedicated to propagating an American Muslim identity. Maher and Hassan Hathout are the philosophical and spiritual pillars of the mosque. They also have been partners of Wilshire Boulevard Temple rabbis and others throughout L.A. for decades.

The Hathouts' mosque has twice endorsed pilgrimages to Israel and the Palestinian territories, its members traveling with fellow L.A.- area Jews and Christians. It invites Jews to pray with them, to make music with them, to celebrate Ramadan with them. This is the mosque whose day school teaches students about Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah alongside lessons in Arabic and the Koran. Recently, the Islamic Center joined the food pantry collective of Hope-Net, helping feed the hungry and homeless.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.

Kai Chen Comment: 陈凯评论:

Ms. Stein in her article basically assumes the premise that an individual can not be truly a free being, and he can not be himself by his own moral choices. He is only the product of his environment and culture. If he is doing something against that culture and environment in which he grows up, he is nothing but "Sefl-Loathing". Ms. Stein basically tells us we are all slaves with no independent moral judgment and thinking, maybe just like what she is in essence -- a self-castrated Jewish eunuch maybe. (I have found many liberal leftists are such pathetic beings with no choice and no moral judgment.) Her attack on Wafa Sultan is actually an attack on human conscience, an attack on moral absolutism, a cry to advocate moral relativism and cultural equavelentism. These leftists never learn that by this moral confusion and muddleheadedness not to distinguish "what is good or evil" from "what is different", they are creating evil themselves. Then again, how can they see it if they see everything as "relative", if they see everything in the light of "dialectics"?

Hope you find that article and post your opinions here.

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