陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Private Property and Guns are Essential to Freedom
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
一个只有军队与警察有武装的社会,逻辑上说,一定是一个专制奴役的社会。 中国党朝是一个既没有拥枪权也没有地产权的专制极权社会。
A society in which only the army and the police have guns, logically, must be a society of despotism and slavery. China's Party-Dynasty is a society without gun rights and property/land rights.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 9/29/2011)
Whenever someone mentions "Privacy", "Private Property Rights" and the Right to have private weapons and the Right to defend one's own freedom and life, I can sense many Chinese feel uncomfortable.
I had been through the same thinking process after I came to America. Now I am absolutely convinced about these rights guanrantied in American Constitutiion as the moral necessities of a free being.
Most Chinese associate Privacy and things private as something dirty, by their cultural upbringings. Most Chinese associate everything Public and National with something moral and good. Even 孙中山‘s “天下为公” is hung everywhere in Chinatowns. 私 in China is a dirty word. Everything associated with it in China is viewed as immoral: 私有,私营,私利,自私,私产权,私心... to list just a few. It is no wonder even today in China, private persons cannot have property, land rights, rightfully purchased via legal means. In America, not only one can have every rights concerning the property and land he just bought, he has the rights all the way to the center of the earth, including all the oil rights and mineral rights.
Not only Americans have private property rights, they have the rights to have weapons, guns to defend their own property, their own freedom and their own lives. What a logical society!
I always wondered what if the first emperor of China did not burn all the books, kill all the dissendants, and collected all the weapons when he took power. Then propably he would not be called an emperor. And most importantly, the Chinese people's culture and personal characters would not be degenerate and degrade to today's horrible and deplorable state.
One cannot truly have rights and freedom unless he has means to protect and sustain his rightful existence to enjoy these rights and freedom. Private property gives a person such means to design and create his own life, unique and different from everyone else's, as long as his life is not at the cost of another. One cannot truly enjoy his freedom and property is the government and another powerful being try to inflict harm on him and take away what he has earned. Therefore, he must be equipped with means to protect his existence. He must have rights to possess weapons. I cannot imagine what American character would be without these two crucial rights. Possibly they are not so much different from those of Chinese without these rights.
Many on the left are against precisely these rights - private property and guns. They advocate an Utopian society with the Chinese invention of "Harmony". It is not surprise they borrow from the Chinese terms. They have always imagined that American Idians, the Chinese and the Orientals always led a peaceful and "harmonious" lives. They could not be more mistaken.
Contrast the degradation and corruption of human beings in Chinese society, I have to say the Americans and their founding fathers are absolutely right to guranty Private property rights and guns rights, for they know it is absolutely crucial for them to exist so American freedom is real, not an illusion.
With over one hundred million weapons possessed in American civil society, the rate of gun-related crimes and gun accident is perhaps the lowest among the nations. Think about Per-Gun crime rate in China and per-gun crime rate in America, you will realize the differences between the two populations. A free society is the safest society, contrary to many people believe. The IRA indeed played a crucial function to defend our rights to protect ourselves. And Private properties in America is not a shameful mention, but a proud declaration about individual dignity.
I hope my message will prompt discussion and debate on this topic.