陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Chinese Intellectuals are Virgin Whores
价值一语: Words of Value:
An ill man is always ill, but he is worst of all when he pretends to be a saint. --- Sir Francis Bacon
一个败坏之人总是败坏的,但当他在你面前装出一幅圣人像的时候,他是最恶心的。 --- Sir Francis Bacon
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/31/2006, Reprint 9/28/2011)
I just pasted an article from Lu Yang on the Youpai Forum and made a small critique after it. Somehow the title is not shown with the Chinese I input but only showed some scrambled numbers.
Anyway, after I read the article, I realized that this is so typical of the Chinese intellectuals' complex of "Virgin Whore". Namely, they want everything, but they don't want to commit to anything. This typical Chinese complex has been resulted from centuries of spiritual and intellectual narcotic poisoning.
I now use a small analogy to demonstrate this "Virgin Whore" complex with its definit tone of Chinese nihilism (a philosophy of Nothingness):
A normal thinking, logic person and a Chinese intellectual went to a nursery to shop for a fruit tree. The logical, normal person likes apple, so he buys an apple tree seedling and walks away, happy and joyful. The Chinese intellectual flashes his money and tells the seller he wants a tree, but not sure what to buy. The seller tells him apple tree is good, the Chinese likes the apple fruit alright, but he does not like the tree leaves. Then he found out he like the plum tree leaves, but not the fruit. Then he found the grape plant he like both leaves and fruit, but not the roots. Then he found another fruit tree he like everything but the smell... He went on and on.... When the normal logical person's apple tree has already born fruit and he has already tasted his sweat apple, the Chinese intellecual is still shopping, flashing his cash, saying "Hi, everyone, come to me and I have a lot of money." But by now no one wants to offer him anything anymore, for everyone knows he is only playing some kind of game. He will never commit to anything, for he is truly for "Nothingness".
The Chinese Communists wants markets to get rich, but don't want capitalism or individual freedom. This Lu Yang and his likes want freedom and democracy, but not capitalism and individual freedom to create. Both are typical of Chinese Confucian Nihilism. In the end, they actually want absolutely Nothing, that nothing beside Power. They both are the same kind of weird fruits with different shapes hanging from the same tree named Confucianism - "middle road is everything and absolutely nothing." And many Chinese call this kind of state of being "an art of living".
This is why the Chinese even today don't know what they really want, in other words, they truly know there is "Nothing" they want.