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中国人身上的诅咒 The Curses on the Chinese
中国人身上的诅咒 The Curses on the Chinese
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:24 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
The Curses on the Chinese
价值一语: Words of Value:
No evil man is happy. --- Juvenal: Satires
邪恶之人绝得不到幸福。 --- Juvenal: Satires
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/30/2006, Reprint 9/28/2011)
The sorrowful state of being the Chinese have endured for thousands of years demonstrates that there are some powerful forces working against the Chinese population with its ancient nihilistic mindset, rendering them forever mired in the morass of misery and despair.
Unless the Chinese realize how big a task they are facing to clear their mind, how difficult it is to dispel these powerful curses, and the importance and necessity to rid off these curses, they are not going to advance into a historically progressive mode of action, as against inaction and traditional passivity.
These powerful curses are listed below:
1. The curse of Chinese character-based, syllabic language.
This language of pictorial symbols coupled with single-syllable sound, used by the ancient sorcerers to aid the tribal leaders, severely damages the Chinese ability to reason logically, to think in a rational and directional way. This is the main reason why the Chinese seem always walking in a circle, deceiving themselves to say that they are moving forward. The Chinese phenomenon of "Dynastic Cycles" is only the manifestation of this severe mental retardation caused by the inputting method of this language into their brain.
2. The curse of the Chinese first emperor - Qin.
Since the unity forced upon the Chinese people by blood and violence some 2,000 years ago, the Chinese have never recovered from the horror and dehumanization they had experienced. "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit" has since become the Chinese motto of morality. Power via violence has since become the obsession and worship of all the Chinese. The modern day of the Chinese worshipping Mao is only one such examples. Soulless zombies are the necessary by-product of this moral code. Unity through violence and blind obedience and passivity of the population becomes the only goal of all the Chinese. Yet, thanks for the Chinese language, they have never asked "united under what principle" or "why unity" or "united to do what". Somehow unity (united against other people) itself has become an obsession and ultimate anti-value, and an oppressed, valueless peace-stagnation has become the only desire of the Chinese.
3. The curse of Confucianism.
To maintain the facade of unity, the self-castrated intellectual eunuchs from all over China gathered under a petty-official who was unfulfilled in climbing the ladder of officialdom himself (The Confucius). Alas, they created Confucianism. Hierarchy, immobility, obedience, oppression, artificial classification of people and treating them accordingly, absolute imperial power, destruction of minorities and individuals..., all have become accepted norm and moral codes. The self-castrated Chinese intellectuals effectively achieved their own single goal -- To castrate everyone in sight. Now they are bringing this castration onto the world, aiming to neuter everyone and rendering them helpless forever.
Today's Chinese individuals have no self-identity. They have only ascribed identity given to them by others. Independence, freedom, rationality, logic, passion, individuality, creativity.., have all become too alien to them to be ever contemplated. They have all believed that environment/circumstances creates humans, not the other way around.
4. The curse of modern Fascism, Nazism and Communism.
Due to the above curses, a new form of curses has entered into the Chinese lives - the curses from overseas. Among all the ideas and ideals, only those that were close to the Chinese ideal state of mind are those of Fascism, Nazism and Communism. They all advocate the destruction of individuality, individual freedom, individual creativity. They all trump group values and demanded individual sacrifices. They all create artificial enemies and crisis to sustain the stability of the regimes. They all suppress, oppress, depress, maim, and kill millions to achieve their goal of "Social experiments". They are all enemies of humanity and mankind.
Facing these powerful curses, what do we do as human beings, as free thinking beings? The only thing we can do and should do is to expose the evil in all of these curses, to warn people of them and their ill and deadly poisonous effect. To make people conscious about their existence in their daily lives, to make the first step on the march toward sanity, humanity and dignity.
I wrote many articles and essays to state my point unabashedly, exactly to combat these powerful curses put on me and my fellow human beings who were born in China. I hope in my feeble attempt as an conscientious individual, I at least makes myself immune to the deadly poisons released by these curses. And through the process of self-cleansing, I may along the way help to cleanse my fellow travelers.

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