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无知无责,愚昧有责 Ignorance vs. Stupidity

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:13 am
by Kai Chen


Ignorance vs. Stupidity

价值一语: Words of Value:

"It is not proof of a man's understanding to be able to comfirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false; this is the mark and character of intelligence." --- Emanuel Swedenborg

衡量一个人智慧与品质的标准并不是他的毫无立场的信口开河,而是他是否能鉴别并认定真的就是真的,假的就是假的。 --- Emanuel Swedenborg


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 6/22/2006, Reprint 9/27/2011)

I have often said that ignorance is not a crime, but stupidity is.

Everyone is ignorant from birth. It is not a crime. Mentally challenged people are ignorant of many things, but they committed no crime. But crime will be committed if values and value-orientation are added to a person's conduct.

Stupidity is NOT ignorance. Stupidity is a result of a person's value-orientation, namely, stupidity is to value ignorance. To value and treasure ignorance and take ignorance as a sign not of shame, but pride, is indeed a crime. It is a crime against human nature, it is a crime against intelligence, it is a crime against progress, it is a crime against what God intends humans to be....

When I was in China, I had met many ignorant people. I also had met many stupid people. I myself was ignorant at times, but I do not value and treasure that ignorance. I studied and thought hard to fulfill myself with knowledge and intellectual capacities. I take pride in my own progress from darkness toward enlightenment, from ignorance toward true intelligence and faith...

Yet I have also witnessed many people, especially many people in China, who not only remain ignorant of reality and truth, but treasuring this ignorance and even taking it as a source of pride and personal, even national identity. They will refuse, on the basis of a nameless pride and feverish nationalism, to admit the backwardness of the Chinese culture and many corrupt components in that culture, such as its language, its passivity, its despotism, its hierarchical nature, its stagnant and circular pattern of mindset... They remain not only ignorant, but stupid, and even worse, taking that stupidity as a source of pride and identity. They are the foundation of the current despotic Communist regime.

They have NO capacity to judge what is true and false, or right and wrong. They are the eunuchs trying hard every day to castrate their own faculties so they can remain ignorant and stupid. 郭飞雄 is only one such example. Outsiders or insiders, foreign or Chinese, friends or enemies, us or them.., have become their sole criterion to give them a sense of morality, or moral certainty, to judge what is true or false, and right or wrong. They still adhere to Mao's famous (idiotic) quote on Morality:

”凡是敌人反对的我们就要拥护;凡是敌人拥护的我们就要反对。“ "Whatever our enimies oppose, we support; whatever our enemies support, we oppose." --- 毛泽东

What a stupid saying to brainwash the Chinese into moral idiots! What an Anti-humanity declaration of the Chinese against God! What is worse is not so much how much evil Mao had committed, what is worse it even today the Chinese still have not learned from their pain and misery, still have not progressed toward humanity and truth. They remain stupid, they remain anti-God, they remain passive and stagnant. Indeed they have bought and borrowed more hardwares from the West, but their mindset, the software, remains under Qin emperor and Mao. They have simply failed to progress.

In order to reverse this vicious cycle, the Chinese must first face their own "self", their own conscience. They must first face, NOT other humans, or government, or majority, but Truth and God. Each and everyone of the Chinese must progress from ignorance toward intelligence, from self-deception to reality. They must face up to their own biggest crime --- Stupidity. They must bear their own individual responsibility.

Last edited Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:07 am | Scroll up


RE: 无知无责,愚昧有责 Ignorance vs. Stupidity

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:16 am
by No name specified • ( Guest )







2006-6-19 东海一枭



作者:Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:26:29 AM

【作者迪特里希·朋霍费尔(Dietrich Bonhoeffer,1906-1945),是德国牧师,神学家,曾参与德国抵抗纳粹的反对运动,因此被捕。他还曾卷入刺杀希特勒的计划。德国投降前夕他被绞死在纳粹集中营。本文摘自他写的《狱中书简》。】





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