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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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Kai Chen on Glazov Gang/Obamacare 陈凯访谈/奥巴马健保
Kai Chen on Glazov Gang/Obamacare 陈凯访谈/奥巴马健保
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:08 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

RE: Kai Chen on Glazov Gang/Obamacare 陈凯访谈/奥巴马健保
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:09 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Kai Chen Speech/Obamacare & Socialism
Kai Chen Tea Party Speech on 11/9/2013
To San Fernando Valley Patriots
Chinese Athlete Shares Lessons in Freedom
Posted on November 12, 2013
by Tad Cronn Filed under 1st Amendment
Los Angeles-based author Kai Chen (Author of "One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom), who grew up in Communist China under Mao Tse-Tung, knows just how evil socialism is, and he is working hard to educate Americans before it's too late.
"Government is about power," Chen said recently to a roomful of people ranging in age from 10 to their mid-90s. "The bigger the government, the bigger the lie. Total government, like in China, is a total lie.
"The entire country is a lie. I don’t want that to happen here. If it does, if America becomes like China, where are the freedom-loving people to go? The moon?"
The former Chinese state basketball player was speaking in Canoga Park, California, on the 24th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall to the members of the San Fernando Valley Patriots.
He shared some memories of his youth during the Cultural Revolution, a time when the government was so strict, people couldn't even have a goldfish or flowers in their home. "That's bourgeois!" Chen said of the Communists' standard accusation.
Because China does not have America's history of individual freedom, a culture of indifference has taken root. "People in China say who cares if somebody dies? People die by the millions," Chen said.
The rise of socialism begins with changing the way people use language, the author said.
For example, in China, the government talks about dealing with "the masses" and appealing to "the masses." That's not the talk of free people.
"Ronald Reagan said don't use that language, 'masses,'" Chen said. "People are not masses; they're individuals."
Chen considers Reagan to be one of three "mortal giants" from the 1980s, the other two being Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II. All of them, Chen said, spoke directly and plainly about freedom, unlike politicians today.
"Socialism is evil. Communism is evil. Who today is talking like that?" Chen asked.
Chen said there are three things socialists believe in:
Government is God -- the idea that government can, or should, do everything and should be given loyalty because of it. "When you say, 'Government can do that,' you fall into their trap," Chen said.
It's all a zero-sum game -- there's only so much to go around, so it has to be distributed "equally." "They pit women against men, blacks against whites," Chen said. "Everybody's gain is everybody's loss."
Materialism -- everything is material, nothing is of a spiritual or higher nature. "They see a problem, they throw money at it," Chen said. "We are nothing of our own choice or God's creation. We are only creatures of our environment. That's the talk of the Left."
Chen warned that Obamacare is not about health, it's about power. But that reality has been obscured by the doubletalk used by the government and media to describe the law.
"People say, 'Oh, this rollout does not work,'" Chen said. "It's not supposed to work! It's one step to total control by the government!"
According to the author, the real point of Obamacare is to gain control of and centralize your personal information.
"You will become 'public people'," he warned.
Chen related how, during the Cultural Revolution, Mao came up with the concept of "barefoot doctors" to take care of people in the countryside. The "doctors" were given a first aid bag, maybe some other supplies, and no training, then they were sent out into the provinces, where they would treat people in smaller towns and villages.
Chen said his niece, a doctor who had recently finished training in the U.S., went to China to visit, and she was asked by a Chinese physician how many people she had operated on. She replied that she hadn't performed any operations on her own yet because she had just finished her training.
According to Chen, "He said, 'I never had training. I operated on a thousand already.' That's public medicine."
Under socialism, people put up with hardship's because they're told it's "equal," and they think someone else will have even more taken away.
"You expect other people to be worse off than you," Chen said. "That's how you get transformed. That's how Obamacare will transform this country."
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/13222/chine.../#ixzz2kXON5jsj
Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/13222/chine...IaZHQoIqXxSB.99

RE: Kai Chen on Glazov Gang/Obamacare 陈凯访谈/奥巴马健保
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:12 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Comments to my speech:
lilolady • 16 hours ago
A troll by the moniker of daves has completely high jacked this site by sucking in naive people who think he deserves answering. Please, NEVER feed a troll. This article is worthy of continuing conversation and passing on to interested parties.
Isabella • 16 hours ago
I believe we can learn from Chen the value of what we have.
Fred_K • 17 hours ago
It takes someone who has lived under tyranny to truly appreciate freedom. I hope he can wake up the pacified minions here in the US.
Edward Ebersole Fred_K • 6 hours ago
He opened my eyes so far like Richard Wurmbrand did in Tortured for Christ.
lilolady Fred_K • 16 hours ago
We need him here in Southern California. I am glad to see that he is speaking to a local Patriot Group. We know one another by the truth that we speak. We don't need no stinkin' phone banks! Or Leaders each vying for the recognition and the funding. I would vote for this young man in a heartbeat. He speaks truth.
Isabella • 17 hours ago
Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II can, ironically, only talk about relative freedom. De Touqueville took a step farther to caution us:
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. - Alexis de Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America
edgineer • 18 hours ago
We are harboring the seeds of our own destruction when we permit the CPUSA (Google it) and Marxist professors and politicians to openly do everything they can to destroy our economy and impose socialism.
JEANNIEMAC2 • 18 hours ago
"Who today is talking like that?" Orly Taitz has been fighting for over five years through the courts of corrupt/frightened judges to have the truth about Obama come out to the public. Check out her website http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/
John JEANNIEMAC2 • 18 hours ago
Unfortunately, I think the courts are useless. The voting booth is becoming irrelevant. Where do we go from here?
Don't Even Try It! John • 17 hours ago
Man your guns...Stand by to fire!
Michael Skok • 18 hours ago
That's an interesting question: "If America becomes like China, where are the freedom-loving people to go? The moon?" It looks like we're heading towards FEMA shelters and then to one of the mass graves Obama has waiting for us. Cherish these days of prosperity and freedom because there aren't going to be very many left.
jb80538 • 20 hours ago
EVERYBODY needs to read this one. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
soldiermom11 • 21 hours ago
Yes. What a blessing. If only all the lame stream media would publish his words.
lilolady soldiermom11 • 16 hours ago
Pass it along, mom11. I certainly have. Do not rely upon anyone else, but yourself.
kalli • a day ago
What a blessing to have Kai Chen give testimony to what is happening in this nation. There were several others who'd immigrated to the US that came forth before the 2008 election to warn us not to vote for this man. But, the stiff-necked people saw only the historical factor in electing one with black skin. The nation was duped by this deceiver with the help of the media and his handlers who were complicit in hiding his past and ineligibility. We are now reaping what was sowed.
Ginger • a day ago
I wish Americans would wake up to the fact that that is exactly what o and "his"administration is trying so hard to do..not a "theory" but fact.
disqus_C6fGXmCFNc • a day ago
I hope people will listen to this gentleman, he has lived through this crap obama is pulling. Wake up Wake up
ICOYAR • 2 days ago
Karl Marx is laughing in Hell for what is happening in the United States. The goal of socialism is to impoverish everybody, to make them easier to kill.
iagozdi212 • 2 days ago
My Uncle Declan just got Fiat 500 C Abarth by working part
time off of a macbook air... Look At This www.BIG29.com
John OMalia iagozdi212 • 13 hours ago
Get off this site idiot, I repeat from another wise person.
NASA iagozdi212 • a day ago
WOW. Neat. You married? Like to ride on a Harley? Let's talk....soon.
disqus_C6fGXmCFNc NASA • a day ago
Get off this site idiot!
NASA • 2 days ago
He is forecasting what the US is going to be like 5-10 years from now, but with one difference. We're adding all sorts of legalized perverted behavior to the mix.
Nixys • 2 days ago
Only spoiled ignorant Westerners yearn for socialism.
Wootsauce • 2 days ago
This article needs to be spread far and wide! It's nice to hear the lessons from someone who lived it.
Truth goes 100 MPH Wootsauce • 16 hours ago
One ugly dude below. Want a second opinion? Daves is stupid too!
daves Wootsauce • 21 hours ago
Ask the people of Alaska if socialism is evil. I think they like getting their share of the oil company profits.
Don't Even Try It! daves • 17 hours ago
Idiots never learn! We just can't fix "STUPID" although we try really hard. I'm sorry that you will never be any better person, no smarter and no richer than your unfortunate neighbors. That is what you get and how you will live under a socialistic government. You will have NO ability to ever rise above the "average". SUCKER!!
Isabella daves • 17 hours ago
“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
podunk1 daves • 18 hours ago
Alaska isn't Californication, Detroit, Chicago, Watts, or just about any progressive democrat controlled hell hole. Detroit looks like 1945 Hiroshima. The mayor is in Jail - so is Bloggo.
Alaska profits by productively using their resources. Californica is broke, overrun by criminals, addicts, parasites and people walking around in left hand circles because they can't do anything right.. Nothing is left because they, like locusts, consume instead of produce, save, and invest in wealth producing investment.
daves podunk1 • 31 minutes ago
Yep, and Alaska has many socialist programs while California and Michigan do not. More evidence that socialism is not evil
speedle24 daves • 21 hours ago
You have no clue what you are talking about daves - a simple minded comment on a simple minded way of viewing an economic equation.
daves speedle24 • 20 hours ago
I think I do have a clue, care to debate?
Please give me a definition of socialism along with some examples.
buckman21 daves • 18 hours ago
noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.
Here is an example. With this new ACA, we are no longer able to exist or live, without the government being involved. By that I mean we are now required by law, whether we like it or not, to purchase health insurance. Or we get fined. This isn't like car insurance, because not everyone owns a car, therefore not everyone has to legally pay insurance for that. This isn't even a choice.
Another would be, that the Obama regime is going after the "loop hole" that was given to the Republicans during the crafting of the ACA called Self-Insurance. What this is, is businesses don't go through an insurance company for medical expenses, but rather pay for their workers costs out of their own money. Workers still have co-pays, deductibles etc, which differs from job to job. They do hire insurance companies to manage these costs, but no longer have a middle man to go through. The white house hates this. Because those businesses that do this are exempt from the taxes and regulations of the ACA. So they are trying hard to close this loophole. Because they want full control. Socialism.
Another can be cronie Capitalism. The government giving special privileges and bailouts to certain companies but not others. Therefore intervening in something they shouldn't be meddling. It's not exactly pure government control, but its the next closest thing. In the words of Ron Swanson: "Capitalism: Gods way of determining who is smart, and who is poor." That is what should be done, good businesses thrive, bad ones die off and new ones take its place if new and innovative ideas come forth.
see more
John OMalia buckman21 • 13 hours ago
You're wasting your time with a troll.
speedle24 daves • 20 hours ago
I'll make it simple for you. Alaska is not a socialist state. The state does not own the oil companies. There is nothing left to discuss.
daves speedle24 • 18 hours ago
Alaska is the only state with a state owned rail system.
jrcooke daves • 14 hours ago
LOL!! All 13 1/2 miles of it! However long it truly is, when I lived in Alaska, it only ran between Anchorage and Fairbanks! The next day it would run the opposite direction. Great service for 'the masses'!
The permafrost prevents development of a real world transportation infrastructure between cities, towns and villages. To get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time you have to fly - which is still somewhat dangerous in that state. "State owned rail system" indeed! LOL!
raffaelecafagna daves • 20 hours ago
Do what I tell you , don`t do what I do .
Please Inform yourself .
daves raffaelecafagna • 20 hours ago
What dictionary did you get that from?
raffaelecafagna daves • 20 hours ago
Did you read the article here ?????????????????????????????????????????????
daves raffaelecafagna • 20 hours ago
Yes, are you saying that the article defines socialism? I must have missed that. Which part?
raffaelecafagna daves • 19 hours ago
Yes indeed , Please Read it again
daves raffaelecafagna • 19 hours ago
Mr. Chen seems very confused. Obamacare is not government healthcare, it is a requirement to purchase PRIVATE health insurance. Just like what they have in Japan and Australia.
jrcooke daves • 14 hours ago
Daves, are you serious? The federal (ha!) government is requiring all citizens to buy this 'private' insurance. Then when you buy it and use it they will tax you for the various aspects and usages. If you don't buy it, the federal (ha!) government will fine you. I can see it now: "Your papers! Your papers, please! Ve haf ben vatching you! You can't prove you have bought health insurance like the dear leader requested."
Don't Even Try It! daves • 16 hours ago
Daves, go puke really quick before the KoolAid completely poisions your mind! Quick, now run along and play with the other children...and be nice because you are so much bigger than they are.
John daves • 18 hours ago
You are seriously brainwashed aren't you? We were told clearly that we could keep our insurance, but now that has been clearly shown as a...let me be charitable...misrepresentation. Aw heck, save keystrokes. It was a lie, People are losing their insurance and paying higher premiums with astronomical deductables because they are being forced into the government healthcare marketplace. How private do you think it is when the morons in DC are defining the terms and mandating the purchase>
You drank too much Kool Aid.
raffaelecafagna daves • 19 hours ago
Daves go to the top of this page : Politics ,Economics Constitution ,etc, etc.
click on :
Health Care you will have all the answers needed .
raffaelecafagna daves • 19 hours ago −
it is Socialized medicine ; it is a requirement to purchase Government healthcare, not private , controlled by I.R.S. and if you refuse it you will be punished with a fine ; you have to give all your personal information's , bank account included , so they can take your money without your approval ; your doctor , your personal insurance is gone ; you will pay what the Gov . tells you . Sorry I can`t be here to explain 2750 pages of obamacare and 20.000 regulations at the price of 630 Million of taxpayers money ; and does not work ; a company from Canada is working on the website and wait for the repair price if they can fix it .
daves raffaelecafagna • an hour ago
Do you remember the long debates about including a public option in the obamacare law? Liberals lost that fight and no new government insurance was created. Obamacare requires us to buy PRIVATE insurance.
If you cannot provide proof of insurance then the IRS will fine you. You do not have to provide your bank account and the government will not have access to it. These are very old rumors that have been debunked many times.

RE: Kai Chen on Glazov Gang/Obamacare 陈凯访谈/奥巴马健保
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:40 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Laurence Almand • an hour ago
What a truthful and courageous young man! There should be more people like him writing essays and speaking out in public! People would see Communism/Socialism for the sham that it actually is.
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Thomas Smallwood • 2 hours ago
I believe it was Lenin that said, sometime before the Russian revolution, that (paraphrased) National healthcare is the keystone in the archway of socialism.
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lilolady • 21 hours ago
A troll by the moniker of daves has completely high jacked this site by sucking in naive people who think he deserves answering. Please, NEVER feed a troll. This article is worthy of continuing conversation and passing on to interested parties.
9 •Reply•Share ›
Isabella • 21 hours ago
I believe we can learn from Chen the value of what we have.
11 •Reply•Share ›
Fred_K • a day ago
It takes someone who has lived under tyranny to truly appreciate freedom. I hope he can wake up the pacified minions here in the US.
18 •Reply•Share ›
Edward Ebersole Fred_K • 10 hours ago
He opened my eyes so far like Richard Wurmbrand did in Tortured for Christ.
2 •Reply•Share ›
lilolady Fred_K • 21 hours ago
We need him here in Southern California. I am glad to see that he is speaking to a local Patriot Group. We know one another by the truth that we speak. We don't need no stinkin' phone banks! Or Leaders each vying for the recognition and the funding. I would vote for this young man in a heartbeat. He speaks truth.
7 1 •Reply•Share ›
Isabella • a day ago
Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II can, ironically, only talk about relative freedom. De Touqueville took a step farther to caution us:
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. - Alexis de Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America
9 •Reply•Share ›
edgineer • a day ago
We are harboring the seeds of our own destruction when we permit the CPUSA (Google it) and Marxist professors and politicians to openly do everything they can to destroy our economy and impose socialism.
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Laurence Almand edgineer • an hour ago
Read the good book BRAINWASHED to find out how your college students are being programmed by Socialist professors. Also Google my essay THE SHEEPLE'S CREED for a truthful comment.
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JEANNIEMAC2 • a day ago
"Who today is talking like that?" Orly Taitz has been fighting for over five years through the courts of corrupt/frightened judges to have the truth about Obama come out to the public. Check out her website http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/
7 •Reply•Share ›
John JEANNIEMAC2 • a day ago
Unfortunately, I think the courts are useless. The voting booth is becoming irrelevant. Where do we go from here?
7 •Reply•Share ›
Don't Even Try It! John • 21 hours ago
Man your guns...Stand by to fire!
5 •Reply•Share ›
Michael Skok • a day ago
That's an interesting question: "If America becomes like China, where are the freedom-loving people to go? The moon?" It looks like we're heading towards FEMA shelters and then to one of the mass graves Obama has waiting for us. Cherish these days of prosperity and freedom because there aren't going to be very many left.
6 •Reply•Share ›
Laurence Almand Michael Skok • an hour ago
If the stupid voters elect goons like Obummer, they will get what they deserve.
•Reply•Share ›
jb80538 • a day ago
EVERYBODY needs to read this one. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
9 •Reply•Share ›
soldiermom11 • a day ago
Yes. What a blessing. If only all the lame stream media would publish his words.
17 •Reply•Share ›
lilolady soldiermom11 • 21 hours ago
Pass it along, mom11. I certainly have. Do not rely upon anyone else, but yourself.
2 •Reply•Share ›
kalli • a day ago
What a blessing to have Kai Chen give testimony to what is happening in this nation. There were several others who'd immigrated to the US that came forth before the 2008 election to warn us not to vote for this man. But, the stiff-necked people saw only the historical factor in electing one with black skin. The nation was duped by this deceiver with the help of the media and his handlers who were complicit in hiding his past and ineligibility. We are now reaping what was sowed.
18 •Reply•Share ›
Ginger • a day ago
I wish Americans would wake up to the fact that that is exactly what o and "his"administration is trying so hard to do..not a "theory" but fact.
18 •Reply•Share ›
disqus_C6fGXmCFNc • a day ago
I hope people will listen to this gentleman, he has lived through this crap obama is pulling. Wake up Wake up
20 •Reply•Share ›
ICOYAR • 2 days ago
Karl Marx is laughing in Hell for what is happening in the United States. The goal of socialism is to impoverish everybody, to make them easier to kill.
25 •Reply•Share ›
Laurence Almand ICOYAR • an hour ago
And you can be sure that Lenin, Stalin, and Mao are also gloating over China.
•Reply•Share ›
iagozdi212 • 2 days ago
My Uncle Declan just got Fiat 500 C Abarth by working part
time off of a macbook air... Look At This www.BIG29.com
6 •Reply•Share ›
John OMalia iagozdi212 • 18 hours ago
Get off this site idiot, I repeat from another wise person.
•Reply•Share ›
NASA iagozdi212 • 2 days ago
WOW. Neat. You married? Like to ride on a Harley? Let's talk....soon.
1 •Reply•Share ›
disqus_C6fGXmCFNc NASA • a day ago
Get off this site idiot!
9 •Reply•Share ›
NASA • 2 days ago
He is forecasting what the US is going to be like 5-10 years from now, but with one difference. We're adding all sorts of legalized perverted behavior to the mix.
16 •Reply•Share ›
Nixys • 2 days ago
Only spoiled ignorant Westerners yearn for socialism.
16 •Reply•Share ›
Wootsauce • 2 days ago
This article needs to be spread far and wide! It's nice to hear the lessons from someone who lived it.
25 •Reply•Share ›
Truth goes 100 MPH Wootsauce • 20 hours ago
One ugly dude below. Want a second opinion? Daves is stupid too!
•Reply•Share ›
daves Wootsauce • a day ago
Ask the people of Alaska if socialism is evil. I think they like getting their share of the oil company profits.
7 •Reply•Share ›
Don't Even Try It! daves • 21 hours ago
Idiots never learn! We just can't fix "STUPID" although we try really hard. I'm sorry that you will never be any better person, no smarter and no richer than your unfortunate neighbors. That is what you get and how you will live under a socialistic government. You will have NO ability to ever rise above the "average". SUCKER!!
2 •Reply•Share ›
Isabella daves • a day ago
“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
4 •Reply•Share ›
podunk1 daves • a day ago
Alaska isn't Californication, Detroit, Chicago, Watts, or just about any progressive democrat controlled hell hole. Detroit looks like 1945 Hiroshima. The mayor is in Jail - so is Bloggo.
Alaska profits by productively using their resources. Californica is broke, overrun by criminals, addicts, parasites and people walking around in left hand circles because they can't do anything right.. Nothing is left because they, like locusts, consume instead of produce, save, and invest in wealth producing investment.
4 •Reply•Share ›
daves podunk1 • 5 hours ago
Yep, and Alaska has many socialist programs while California and Michigan do not. More evidence that socialism is not evil
•Reply•Share ›
podunk1 daves • 5 hours ago
Sounds good - Looking forward to near zero taxes, $1/gallon gas when Obama turns the drillers loose & tells the muslims to kiss butt... no need for BOcare, global warmers, the epa, osha, ID theft, illegal aliens, school unions &subsidies, BO's czars, bankrupt pensions... endless prosperity & freedom! What are you going to do with Detroit? Dig it up & bury in Chicago, or move it to Watts & bulldoze both into the Pacific. "Pacific" a final gesture of peace, tranquility, reverence... like a funeral.
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speedle24 daves • a day ago
You have no clue what you are talking about daves - a simple minded comment on a simple minded way of viewing an economic equation.
5 •Reply•Share ›
daves speedle24 • a day ago
I think I do have a clue, care to debate?
Please give me a definition of socialism along with some examples.
3 •Reply•Share ›
buckman21 daves • a day ago
noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.
Here is an example. With this new ACA, we are no longer able to exist or live, without the government being involved. By that I mean we are now required by law, whether we like it or not, to purchase health insurance. Or we get fined. This isn't like car insurance, because not everyone owns a car, therefore not everyone has to legally pay insurance for that. This isn't even a choice.
Another would be, that the Obama regime is going after the "loop hole" that was given to the Republicans during the crafting of the ACA called Self-Insurance. What this is, is businesses don't go through an insurance company for medical expenses, but rather pay for their workers costs out of their own money. Workers still have co-pays, deductibles etc, which differs from job to job. They do hire insurance companies to manage these costs, but no longer have a middle man to go through. The white house hates this. Because those businesses that do this are exempt from the taxes and regulations of the ACA. So they are trying hard to close this loophole. Because they want full control. Socialism.
Another can be cronie Capitalism. The government giving special privileges and bailouts to certain companies but not others. Therefore intervening in something they shouldn't be meddling. It's not exactly pure government control, but its the next closest thing. In the words of Ron Swanson: "Capitalism: Gods way of determining who is smart, and who is poor." That is what should be done, good businesses thrive, bad ones die off and new ones take its place if new and innovative ideas come forth.
see more
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daves buckman21 • 4 hours ago
Thank you for your reply. I don't think your examples match the definition you gave. In neither of the cases does the government own the insurance industry. These are still private companies that will profit from their business.
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buckman21 daves • 4 hours ago
So according to you, nothing the government does unless it is truly owned by the goverment, isn't socialism? Controlling what they can and can't do is. And controlling what we as people do with our own lives, even just plain existing, that's not socialism? I guess we should just call it tyranny instead.
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John OMalia buckman21 • 18 hours ago
You're wasting your time with a troll.
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speedle24 daves • a day ago
I'll make it simple for you. Alaska is not a socialist state. The state does not own the oil companies. There is nothing left to discuss.
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daves speedle24 • a day ago
Alaska is the only state with a state owned rail system.
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jrcooke daves • 19 hours ago
LOL!! All 13 1/2 miles of it! However long it truly is, when I lived in Alaska, it only ran between Anchorage and Fairbanks! The next day it would run the opposite direction. Great service for 'the masses'!
The permafrost prevents development of a real world transportation infrastructure between cities, towns and villages. To get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time you have to fly - which is still somewhat dangerous in that state. "State owned rail system" indeed! LOL!
3 •Reply•Share ›
raffaelecafagna daves • a day ago
Do what I tell you , don`t do what I do .
Please Inform yourself .
1 •Reply•Share ›
daves raffaelecafagna • a day ago
What dictionary did you get that from?
•Reply•Share ›
raffaelecafagna daves • a day ago
Did you read the article here ?????????????????????????????????????????????
1 •Reply•Share ›
daves raffaelecafagna • a day ago −
Yes, are you saying that the article defines socialism? I must have missed that. Which part?

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