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陈凯新作/中国人的“选择性良知”Chinese Moral Zombies

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:06 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

The Chinese Conscience is Actually a Moral Corruption

Kai Chen/Just a Thought


The recent anger and uproar over the murder of an infant in Changchun "car thief confession" and the past seemingly display of the "Chinese Conscience" over "Little Yueyue's accidental death" all show me only one thing: The "zombie state" of immorality in China is beyond repair and salvage. Indeed, China needs not to be saved but to be destroyed entirely and start anew.

I am not talking about the criminals and culprits in the incidents. I am talking about how/when/where the Chinese choose to react to show their indignation toward these incidents. Choosing carefully to display one's anger according NOT to one's own conscience and sense of justice, but ONLY to how safe and how convenient the circumstances are is truly "a morality and conscience with Chinese characteristics".

With millions having been murdered by Mao and the communist regime in China, with millions of forced abortions and infanticides, with injustice and atrocities committed by the current Chinese regime every minute in one's own neighborhood, with the biggest mass murderer in human history - Mao's images everywhere and on Tiananmen Square, the Chinese choose to remain silent. While in the case of Changchu "car thief murder" and Little Yueyue cases, suddenly there is an uproar among the Chinese as if they finally have found their inner conscience and a sense of justice. Yet in truth/fact/reality, this seeming indignation over the murder of an infant only shows the Chinese cowardice, moral decay and a state of zombie-like existence.

Choosing when to show one's anger and indignation according to circumstances and safety is a manifestation of "moral relativism" widely adopted and displayed by the leftists in the West/America. In China's case, this expedient "morality" has always been the "Confucian ethics of hierarchy" since the beginning of China's existence. It has been the MO of the Chinese immoral/amoral/anti-moral display throughout its few thousand of years of history. Some people compare the incidents with the similar cases in the West and America. But a stark contrast is the reality. In China, people has always been told by the government what is good or bad - good is bad and bad is good based upon whether or not one's behavior benefit/damage the collective. They have long castrated themselves of the sense of morality instilled in them only by God. In the West/America, the moral compass has always been in place to guide/direct the society (due to the presence of a Judeo-Christian culture) - good is good and bad is bad regardless of the circumstances/collective interests.

This stark contrast in one's moral behavior results in Western societies moving forward while the Chinese society revolves around a deadly and nihilistic dynastic cycle. In Chinese zombies' eyes, there is no direction or guidance by a divine entity. There is only a moment to moment existence guided by one's instinct of survival and a culture of moral expediency: You shut up when danger is present. You shout out when government permits you to voice. The bad is never bad and viewed as wisdom even virtue if one can survive physically. Guns and murderers become gods in China. Mao's image being everywhere is not surprisingly the necessary result.

Indeed, in the West/America, people worship Christ who was murdered by the multitude of morally confused, while in China people (the multitude of morally confused and castrated) worship Mao who murdered tens of millions. Do you still see the eunuchs and zombies in China as moral beings, as displayed by Changchu "car thief murder" and Little Yueyue?

I rest my case.

Last edited Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:53 am | Scroll up


RE: 陈凯新作/中国人的“选择性良知”Chinese Moral Zombies

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:15 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Life is not to be rehearsed but to be lived in full. Life cannot be bargained for but has to be devoted to with one's integrity. Those who want to live a perfect life by rehearsal after rehearsal will miss life entirely. Those who want to bargain with life will find only misery and tragedy waiting for them.

生活是不能被预演的。 生活是必须被有风险的行为与决定而充实的。 生活是不能被讨价还价的。 生活是必须被诚恳与正直而完整投入的。

那些总想用一次次的预演追求完美生活的人将最终失去生活的真义。 那些只懂得对生活讨价还价的人最终得到的只是无奈的绝望与痛苦的悲剧。

May we heed these words and live a full life with true love and true freedom encompassed in our faith/spirit and reason/mind. --- Kai Chen 2/25/13

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