陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

你现在就可脱中国 Freedom Now

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:42 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


价值一语: Words of Value:

We cannot do evil to others without doing it to ourselves. --- Joseph Francois Eduard Desmahis

对他人的邪恶其实是对自己的邪恶。 --- Joseph Francois Eduard Desmahis

You can be free now. You can be free in this life time of yours, only if you are willing. Do not do nothing and wait for your next life. --- Kai Chen

你现在就可以自由。 你今生就可以自由,只要你愿意。 不要妄等来世。 --- 陈凯


- Why Wait for Next Life?

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 10/6/2006, Reprint 9/25/2011)

The survey not long ago about "whether you still want to be a Chinese in your next life" was an interesting,intriguing and provocative one. I applaud the initiator of such a survey. Yet I am not satisfied with the question itself. It implies that we as individual human beings have no choice in choosing our own identity, in this life. Somehow the question's premise is that we are determined by our births, as far as our own individual identity is concerned.

The most common misperception and misconception, especially among the Chinese, is that we are NOT free beings, and we are determined by our births, our culture, our environment, our upbringings, out time..., everything but our own free will. Unless and until the Chinese break this slave-orientied mindset, they will remain enslaved, not just by their own government and their own slave masters - their own culture and ancestors, but indeed by themselves, by their ignorance and stupidity.


The Chinese need to answer these questions. When people ask me where I am from, I always answer to them:

"I am from Los Angeles. I am an American."

Sometimes when I have to get into the details about my own identity when people ask me about my nationality and ethnicity, I will answer:

"I am Chinese by birth, American by choice. China is my ancestral land, America is MY Country."

I hope if someone on the street starts asking you the same question as from where you come from, my answers will provide you some clue as to how you see yourself when you answer the question.

Freedom is a matter of choice as far as a person's identity is concerned. If you want to be free, you can be free this very moment. You just have to shed all the cultural shackles and chains your homeland has put on you and declare loudly, shamelessly, and proudly:

"I am a human being. I am an individual. I don't need labels and chains by others to find my own identity. My identity is defined by God-given freedom and who I am is for myself to find out. So don't label me because of my skin colors, my accent or my appearence. Respect me as a human being. Give me dignity as an individual. Treat me as a free being with freewill, self-made choices and responsibilities."

Then and only then, when we treat ourselves as individual human beings with freedom, self-respect and dignity, we can truly join the ranks of human race, and become a true human being -- an American, no matter where you are and what language you speak, what kind of ancestors you have, what kind of environment you are born into....

Let's be human beings NOW, not next life. Let's be individuals with dignity NOW, not next life. Let's be free beings NOW, not next life. Let's be Americans NOW, not next life.


Last edited Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:41 am | Scroll up


RE: 你现在就可脱中国 Freedom Now

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:57 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

价值一语: Words of Value:

A soul -- a spark of the never dying flame that separates man from all the other beings on earth. --- James Fenimore Cooper

一个灵魂 -- 一个永不消亡的火花。 它使人区别于在这个星球上的任何其他存活。 --- James Fenimore Cooper


Not Cultural Gap But Humanity Gap

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 9/26/2011)

Perry Link in his article "文化差异虽然有趣却并不那么重要" stated an important, but often neglected point, especially by the Chinese:

Cultural differences among humans are not as important as many thought and took for granted as some paramount factor in human conflicts. The so called "inevitable clash of civilizations" is not a fact but only some imagination from human helplessness.

The Chinese often use "Culture" as their ultimate excuses (and defense against the moral assult from the free world) to avoid, escape and deny those fundamental issues such as freedom, humanity, progress, human rights, democracy.... Many Chinese assert that China can never be like other free countries on earth because China has a unique culture which precludes them from joining the freedom of mankind. Slavery and despotism, they claim, is their only destiny. Some Chinese, especially those China-lovers go even as far as proclaiming that the world should have diversity as a value, so the Chinese despotism and slavery is a unique form of human existence, therefore it should not only be preserved, but it should be valued as part of the human diversity. (Remember? Diversity is loved by many Western leftists.) With that logic, Aids virus and small pox virus should also be preserved and valued since it also adds to nature's diversity. How sick can the Chinese be??

But what culture? Is Chinese culture qualitatively and fundamentally different from any other culture on earth?? By the same token, is any culture on earth fundamentally different from any other?? Careful and honest look at all cultures in the world will only result in one answer:

We as individual human beings are fundamentally the same in our yearnings and our conduct (behavior) to achieve our universal values -- life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Humans in all cultures on earth share the same basic goal - to advance human history toward a better tomorrow.

Surely there are some perverted humans who want to pull the history backward toward the dark ages. Surely there are suicide bombers and self-castrating eunuchs, but they are only deviation from humanity, not part of humanity. They are only the betrayals of human nature, not human nature itself. To portray these psychotic and pathological human behaviors as something that is only different and normal among human societies, as only some "cultural differences" points only to the view-takers own psychosis and mental disorder.

To confuse the exceptions with the rules, to confuse abnormality, sickness with healthy, normal human yearnings and conduct is quite often what the Chinese themselves are to adept to. They are adroit at using all the sicknesses, all the abnormality, all the idiotic human exceptions in their own society to define who they are. But they will never use the universal values, the normal, the healthy, the God-given values of humanity in the world to measure their own behaviors and mindset. They seem forever to fail to grasp the idea that the gap between the Chinese society and the free societies in the world is never "Cultural". The gap between the Chinese and the free world is of "Human". Using inhumanity and mental disorder to define China and the Chinese culture is exactly the root reason why China still remains an abnormal society, without moral standard, without truth-seeking mentality, without rights for individuals, without contractual government, without freedom to express, without joy and happiness based on truth and reality. Their momentary euphoria is often founded on others' misery and some spiritual drug-induced hallucinations, much like the Islamic Fascists with their orgasmic ecstasy experienced only at the last moment of their lives when their bodies are blown to pieces by the bombs strapped around their waists, aiming at destroying mankind to please their fake deity. In the Chinese case, their fake deity is China itself, is the Chinese ancestral culture itself, is the so-called Chinese race itself.

Please take a look at your own deplorable human state of existence, China and the Chinese people!! Please join the rest of the humanity to pursue true human values -- life, freedom, joy and happiness based on truth and God. Time is not on your side.

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