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入难出易vs.入易出难 Contrast US & China Schools

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:40 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

“入学难毕业易”与“入学易毕业难”是中美教育对照的特征,也是中国文化的“求虚求外求脸”对照美国基督文化的“求实求内求义“的特征。 这并不是什么”不同“,而是邪恶与良德的对照。

"Hard entry and easy graduation" against "easy entry and hard graduation" marks the obvious contrast between the Chinese and American educational systems. It also marks the obvious contrast between the nihilistic Chinese culture and the American Christian culture that stresses morality, essence, truth seeking. This is never a matter of "difference" as many assume. This is a matter of "Nothingness vs. Existence" and "Evil vs. Good".


China vs. US on Education

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 12/16/2006, Reprint 9/25/2011)

Nowadays in China everything can be bought: licenses, passports, marriage certificates, diplomas. The Chinese think that money is God so they squeeze all of their energy to get money. With money in hand, the fake will become the real, the evil will become the good, all Chinese think that way.

Take a simple glimpse into the Chinese educational system, since from the ancient time, one can easily see my point throughout the articles on my forum, that indeed the Chinese culture is nihilistic in nature and morally evil in deed.

All the Chinese college students have been stripped off their own individuality and uniqueness before they enter the system, for they have to go through the extremely artificial and strict entrance-examination process. With only a handful colleges available, thanks for the official and public nature of the Chinese educational system, only those lucky ones who cram the book harder than others will have a chance to enter colleges. Once they are in the system, they can relax for the pressure is gone in many ways. They have just become the elite eunuchs for the state. Though they are devoid of creativity and initiatives, they are the most obedient and interest-driven state servants for only people with such qualities will survive the system. In addition, all the educational materials are predetermined by the State Educational Department of China, so people who come out of the Chinese colleges are basically cast from the same mode. They are zombie-robots created to serve the emperor's needs and wants.

Truth, justice, reality, morality, creativity, uniqueness, objectivity, are thus all cast aside in the Chinese educational system. It aims at only one thing -- to stabilize the Chinese government and the ruling elite's power to control the society. If such a society is not termed "evil and corrupt", I don't know what is.

In contrast, America educational system is human and moral. As long as a person wants to be educated, he or she will be. There are tons of libraries on the city streets. There are free adult-schools to educate adults. There are private as well as public schools for kids. There are junior, community colleges. There are state universities. There are national universities. There are private and public funded educational institutions and vocational schools. There are Ivy-League colleges.... To say that America is set to educate the entire world is not an exaggeration.

Yet in America, though one always has a chance to enter college, no matter how poor you are (financial aid and educational loans are always available), you are never guaranteed to graduate, for your own talent and effort in school are never a matter of opportunity. Many drop out of college because they have found others interests or they cannot take the rigorous academic life. Everyone is free to leave if he or she chooses to do so. This is congruent with the principle of freedom in America, and because of it, people are living for meaning, not for merely breathing.

If you have not grasped the moral aspects of China and America, take a look at the educational systems of the both and examine the essence from both. Then you may start to see what I always want to say:

There is no "Difference" between China and America. There is only "Contrast" between the two.

Last edited Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:05 pm | Scroll up

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