陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556


in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:58 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Letters between Me and a Liberal Friend

(Originally posted 3/6/2009, Reposted 9/6/2011)

Dear Readers:

Below are some letters between me and a friend of mine from the left. They are very significant in terms of the current political atmosphere in America. I paste them here for you to read and enjoy.

Best. Kai Chen


From Kai Chen 陈凯:

Dear S:

Since Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War (In my opinion the Cold War has never ended. It always continues in another fashion, in another arena. The challenge to human freedom from all angles/dimensions never ceases to continue.), there has developed an alarming apathy/indifference in America toward its own principles enunciated by the founding fathers. It is as though Americans have forgotten that precious motto "the price of freedom is our eternal vigilance". They somehow allow themselves to slip into a moral coma/dormancy, concerned only about their own material well-being. It is as though we are not spiritual beings creating our physical world and material values, but some material existence experiencing momentary spiritual illusions. I never came to America for my material gains (I would have stayed above others in terms of material gains if I were to remain in China). I came to America to fulfill my spiritual yearnings in pursuing my spiritual well being. And in searching and going after the meaning of my existence - true freedom and happiness, I have created great material environment for myself, my family and my fellow human beings.

Now it is all turned upside down. There is no where to retreat any more. America is the last hope and bastion for mankind to remain free on this planet earth. We must fight to keep America as what the founders intended it to be. The message I want to tell American public is invaluable for the health of this great nation, and in keeping America healthy and free, despotism and tyranny around the world will tremble and their days will be indeed numbered. I am very grateful for your assistance and enthusiasm. I only wish there were more people articulating what I want to say.

Best wishes. Kai Chen


Hi Kai,

I read these letters with much admiration and respect for both the writer and the receiver.

Although I share some of the same views that you have regarding our native countries, I DO not always agree with the party we have on the right! Too many greedy Republicans have put our country in the brink of bankruptcy. I believe the answer lies somewhere in a balance which is what i think Pres. Obama. is TRYING TO DO! I say "trying" because already he is facing harsh criticism from those who have been in power for 8 yrs and have not succeeded doing it THEIR way!!!

Unfortunately, human beings being who they are sometimes get greedy and wily and before you know it the whole system is corrupt! I dont think they do it intentionally sometimes, in fact , I am sure they do not see themselves as doing anything evil, but they just think they deserve to BE in control. Maybe they see themselves as smarter, more responsible...etc.. whatever their rationalizations it is NOT RIGHT, nor correct on their parts!

The very reason that America is so great is because we have always upheld the value of every individual. I love this country so much!!! Like you we both came here to obtain freedom (real freedom). The system here has a great foundation...set in place by our founding fathers, lets follow their lead and PROTECT the rights granted by our documents. We cannot let ourselves get motivated by FEAR! Fear doesnt come from a good place. Love and compassion and truth will always lead us down the right path.

Your friend, J


Dear J:

Thanks for a heart felt message.

I entirely agree with you that since Ronald Reagan the Republicans did a poor job articulating the values of this great nation. Somehow they are playing the same dirty games often played by the left. We are not individuals with dignity anymore in their eyes. We are only some insignificant elements belonging to some social groups/cultural racial backgrounds, like helpless infants crying for milk from some omnipotent and omnipresent presence represented only by our parental government. Mr. Bush went to Beijing to kowtow to the tyrants which greatly disappointed me. Now Mrs. Clinton did the same thing and worse in Beijing, kowtowing to the tyrants while disregarding what this country should do to expand human freedom around the globe.

That is why now my message is so important to the Americans: Do not forget what this country is about. People on the right now lack the courage President Reagan had. People on the left have always been lack a direction: Somehow they think socialism is the acceptable way to go as the current administration exhibits. You and I both know socialism/communism is a dead end. People die and suffer indignities for nothing in that kind of system. That is why I always fight hard against the left in this country and elsewhere. Being poor or rich does not give anyone rights to take things away from any others. The communism uses people's lack of education and their naivety/evil to instill a man-eating mentality in their countries: Take away from the rich then you will become rich. That is evil. Indeed all the countries which follow such doctrines only get poorer, for no one creates values anymore. No one initiate anything anymore. People don't dig into themselves to find creativity and courage to start anything anymore. People start to look around to rob/put down on others. This is what I don't want to see happen in America.

Now it seems that this China Syndrome has infected America. Martin Luther King's dream now becomes a nightmare for people like me who come into this country, not for material gains by taking away from others, but by working hard to fulfill our dreams. Now we succeeded in our American dream and beyond, but somehow we have become the guilty. I don't feel that I have anything to apologize for to anyone. But the current administration is using the scare tactics I see so often in communist countries, robbing the rich to give to the poor, for nothing but their own political gain, for power thirst.

Being rich or poor does not have any moral connotations as the socialists and communists allege. How one gets rich or poor Does indeed have moral connotations. There will be grave consequences when you use pretenses to rob those honest people who work hard to get ahead. I see some rich people who are vicious. I see also great many poor people who are vicious. I see poor people who are good. I also see great many rich people who are good. To instill moral tone in one's material state of being is evil itself. I know the current administration, giving the direction it goes, will fail, for all socialist ideas have been proven by history not only failures, but great human misery, suffering and moral degradation.

This is what I want to tell people in my story. I only want to keep this country as the founders intended - expanding individual human freedom while limiting government's power. I have yet to see a government with unlimited power over its own people, making them state-dependent slaves, to be NOT corrupt. America is not an exception. It is amazing to see that before the Cold War ended, both left and right in America have a moral direction of anti-communism. Now the communism/socialism we fought so hard against with so much sacrifice around the globe gradually seeps through our lack of vigilance, our laziness and moral confusion/corruption. Marx and Lenin must be laughing hard in their graves while American founders are being tortured, turning in their graves.

I love to discuss these issues with you and Jon sometimes extensively. I hope we keep in touch.

Best. Kai Chen


Dear Kai:

I understand and totally "get" what you are saying! I have had a birds eye view of the corporate side of greed and excess , because of the type of law that J practices-which is Securities and Consumer Fraud and Class Action. I dont think any one should apologize for being rich! What they should apologize for is being rich because they took advantage of other people! Not everyone WANTS to be rich! But I do think everyone wants to be treated fairly and NOT EXPLOITED! tHEY ARE ENTITLED TO THAT! They are entitled to health care when they pay insurance premiums! They are entitled to a government that puts its people ABOVE corporate greed! It saddens me to hear of drug companies and corrupt dcctors who use their expertise to issue prescriptions for drugs that would not be needed if the patient was just told to get exercise and eat right and sleep right !!

Anyways, I feel so passionate about this! I really wish people would give Obama a chance...

To me he is such a breath of fresh air when compared to the moron George Bush. I was always afraid that he would soon get us into a big war by the way he trampled on other countries cultures and ways. The ONLY REASON he became President was because of his family's money!! That is the only reason he went to YALE also! Life is not fair, never HAS been. We should always try to level the playing fiels as much aas possible so that people can compete even-handedly!

The other day at the HW game, the referees were making calls that were totally lopsided! I cant tell you how demoralizing that is towards our girls! I sometimes wonder if the referees are paid "under the table" to help one team over the other! I sure know that HW has a lot of money!!
Also the girls were holding our players by the shirt and of course the refs did not catch it. They played dirty!!! Is that fair??? Does it make it right that they shold win under those circumstances??? NO. But IT IS THAT WAY NOW! Anyways, I have to work now around the house here Kai.

Just to remind you that I would like the book back after you finish, OK? I am not quite through with yours but I am enjoying it! Thanks for dedicating that copy to me and J. We both like talking to you so much. Take care.

Our boys varsity basketball team is playing their championship match for the Southern Section I hope we win, but most important I hope we win honorably and fairly! When our boys played the Buckley school, students wrote racial epithets on their website! (Most of our boys are black and theirs were all white! Terrible... Oh , well someday.....

See you soon, J


Dear J:

Thanks for your passion and honesty. I certainly will return the book after I read it. It may take a while though.

I entirely agree with you that nowadays self-made men like Ronald Reagan in politics are a such a rarity. Career politicians from both left and right occupy most important positions, sabotaging the true American spirit (None of the founding fathers of America was a career politician.). Their self interests and power thirst corrupt the entire political process (Pork barrel legislation is only one such corrupt example). I have always voted for "Term Limit", which intends to make room for common folks and self-made politicians.

But Obama to me is not a fresh air. I have seen his type too often in the communist/socialist world, using people's misery, fear and poverty to gain political advantage. And when they achieve the ultimate power, they turn on the common folks as though they are just used toilet papers. (70 million poor Chinese died during peace time under Mao who promised them he was the savior they expected.) Communist/socialist rhetoric is all the same: Listen to me and I will save you. They act like they are Gods and they expect people to view them as some kind of saviors. Gradually they foster a slave mentality among the people and make them economic cripples and moral midgets to depend on the government. This trick has been played over and over around the world by the dictators and despots. But somehow people always expect saviors to save them from the bitter sea. But there is no savior as the communist/socialist believers tell people. And I never trust a government/nation acting as God or above God. The savior is in us, in each and everyone of us. It is in our own courage to face the truth and our own responsibilities. It is in our hope for a better future. It is in our wisdom to explore into the unknown. It is in our creativity and initiatives to expand the market. It is in our own strong will to live a joyful and fulfilling life.

We only hire a government to implement the laws we make to ensure our own freedom as individuals. We do not expect our government to create wealth for us. Nor do we want to use our government to redistribute people's wealth. If we do so we are corrupt ourselves. Criminals, rich or poor, should be punished by law. Initiatives and creativity should be rewarded. Hard work and honesty should be praised. Risk taking in creating wealth should be encouraged. Class-envy and jealousy should be condemned. Prejudice and bias should be prevented. Collective mentality and group think should not be part of a free society. Moral conscience should be upheld as the only judge of what is right and wrong.

We have to constantly remind ourselves that the only fair, plain field is in the realm of individual freedom. Any measure to curb such freedom using any pretense, under any excuse or pretty names is essentially evil.

Maybe I am here just to remind America why I came, just to remind America why all the people in the world want to come to this great country, not because of government hand-outs or any form of welfare, but because the promise of a chance to lead a morally and spiritually fulfilling life.

Best wishes to you and your family. I love to exchange views with you. Kai Chen


Hello Kai:

Yes, I value a lot of what she says! Individualism, self made men , but unfortunately it doesnt work on those of us who may have handicaps, or just plainly , be old or infirmed, or mentally handicapped.

my best, J


Dear J:

Indeed all the helpless (physically disabled) should be taken care of. But to create helplessness among human being is a crime and evil. This is what communism/socialism has done - to cripple every living soul, making them helpless. That is what the Obama administration is doing - creating a large population of state-slaves - those who do not pay taxes but benefit from others through government. Democracies perish when people in it are corrupt enough to vote themselves to obtain undeserved benefits, using government coercion to rob others.

The weak (the helpless) should be always taken care of. But to make them in charge is a big mistake that has grave consequences for human freedom.

Love to discuss with you on issues. Best. Kai Chen

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