陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum
不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:15 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Confucianizing Christianity A Typical Chinese Pathology
How Chinese Use Nihilism against Existence
Free Beings vs. Chinese Series
By Kai Chen 陈凯 5/8/11 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
中国人用虚无对抗存在,用奴役对抗自由,用受害者无奈与苦难的绝望对抗自由人对尊严与幸福的追求早已不是什么新闻。 但那些来西方反西方,用自由灭自由的中国人试图用佛家儒教解义基督精神的丑态怪象仍常使我哭笑不得,不知是想用呕吐来表达我的恶心,还是想用唾辱来表达我的愤怒。
你(如果你懂英文)只要到华语系的教堂去听一下看一下就会知道用英文传教/祈祷与用中文传教/祈祷的根本区别了。 上帝(Supreme Emperor)与原罪(Original Crime)是与英文的God 与Sin的原义截然相反的。 God (In one definition - Short for Goodness, 上苍的一个定义--好的简称)是有其基督精神的道德含义在其中的:真实,爱,宽容,基于自由的人的幸福与快乐(Joy)是基督精神的内涵实质。 信仰、理性、情感、欲望、自由意志、个体独特是God/上苍在造人的时候就赋予人的深含意义的特质。 消灭/诋毁/否认/扭曲这些God/上苍所赋予的特质是对God/上苍的消灭、诋毁、否认与扭曲。 无怪乎华语系的基督徒们往往为自己的物质利益祈祷,而英语系的人们则往往为真实的精神价值祈祷。 (你难道没有想过为什么中国人向往繁荣、昌盛、统一、和谐、、, 而美国人则对正义与自由不懈地追求?)
请记住: God/上苍并没有创造希特勒、斯大林、毛泽东、、。 是反God/上苍创造了这些恶魔。
基督精神的伟大在于它是解放人并使人走上自由欢乐的人生的。 基督用他的受难/死亡/再生告知人们不要奢想人间天堂,也不要奢想人能成神。 基督用他的言行告知人们:人对自身原弊/Sin的自知自省是人求真、自由、幸福的基点。 基督用他的受难与死亡将人的原弊/Sin暴露在人自己的面前。 基督用他的再生解放了人,让人去爱,让人勇敢地去面对自身、面对真实、面对自然、面对未知,让人无畏地用基于良知的理性去探索,去走向未来与希望,去追求真实的幸福。
将God/上苍装在自己的口袋里作为工具与武器去吓唬、欺蒙、控制与奴役他人是对God/上苍的最大背叛,也是中国人常常走入的由消灭自我而产生的腐败与邪恶。 用神佛儒去消灭/诋毁/否认/扭曲God/上苍是典型的华语系人们对基督精神的虚无化、专制化、工具化与奴役化。 消灭人的自由意志(Free Will)是所有想奴役人、控制人的专制者们共有的特质,不论这个专制是从政府那里来,是从民族家族那里来,是从文化族群那里来,还是从教会/牧师/神父/和尚/师宗那里来。
不难看出,中国人的佛是要消灭人的自我与幸福的。 中国人的儒是要建立奴役人的信仰与文化的。 中国人对基督精神的佛化与儒化是族群对个体的人阉割而奴役的一个必然产生。
中国寺院中的八大金刚恐怖狰狞的、杀气腾腾的鬼像,中国龙的图腾的凶恶造型,中国大肚弥勒佛的虚无外表、、,无一不是用人心中的恐惧感与人对生命意义的虚无感来奴役人与控制人的。 自由、欢乐、幸福、尊严、正义等普世终极的价值由此被打入十八层地狱。 中国人在家中对儿童的辱骂、恐吓、屈辱就是因对腐儒等级专制与对佛家虚无人生的尊崇而衍生的。 专制奴役的文化就此被中国人的家庭世代延续下去。 共产邪恶不过只是延用了中国世袭专制(家庭、族群)文化,并贴上了马克思的标签为更完美的专制在几千年的屎缸尿盆中再加了一根强力搅屎棍罢了。
用佛与儒去理解God/上苍说轻了是如同用金木水火土去理解自然界一样,说重了是如同是用空气解渴、用画饼充饥一样。 再说重一点就好像在用炸药去建筑大厦一样。 一切都是庸人、懒人、蠢人、恶人(善走捷径而误入歧途的人)之举。 用族群意识去除个体的自由意志去谈基督精神犹如阉割自己的睾丸去达到性高潮一样。 用恐惧与惩处去除基督精神中的爱与宽容犹如用杀人奴役人去建立秩序一样。 用虚无与无奈人生去除基督精神中的意义与存在犹如用砒霜、白面当饭吃一样。 用无我无私的大公大同去除基督精神中的个体与God/上苍的沟通不过是与共产邪恶一样的,在中国驴拉磨与抽陀螺的几千年的恶性朝代循环中,在创造又一个更完美的专制中再晕眩虚无一次罢了。
你愿意你的孩子们每天战战兢兢地、如履薄冰地在人奴所伪造的牢笼框架中,在虚无人生的无奈中,在死后上天的期待中,在每一刻都要因犯错越轨而被惩罚的恐惧中无所作为地、无幸福快乐地、无感无欲地、无自知无进步地度过他们的一生吗? 如果你选择这样度过你的一生,那无可厚非。 (真怪:你选择- 没有你,自我与自由意志,你如何选择?)但强迫任何他人,尤其是你的孩子们与你一起进入对虚无人生与完美专制的崇拜/崇尚,那就是邪恶的定义。
望每一个人深思你自身的价值,你的家庭,你的亲人,你的后代。 你懂得你在说什么,做什么吗?

Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:35 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles
价值一语:Words of Value:
Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen
承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯
Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is the most insidious vice there is on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as a weakness and the latter as a strength and even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency of moral confusion (a negative culture) can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)
容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)
香香嘴,臭臭腚,硬硬吊 - 满足人体洞穴的功能是一个中国人生命的意义。 孔学就是孔洞之学。
Satisfying the functions of one's body cavities - The meaning of life for a Chinese person. Confucianism is about fake-values from human cavities.
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles
陈凯 著 By Kai Chen (Written 4/2/2007, Reprint 9/20/2011)
农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。
市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。
最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。
农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。
当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来驴粪蛋的时候,他们才恍然大悟。
有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为美德国度。
更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:黄金蛋。
他们建立了黄金蛋研究所,黄金蛋大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们黄金蛋的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自黄金驴-- 它披着黄金甲,食了黄金草,喝了黄金河的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了黄金文化,有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了黄金蛋文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的黄金卷及黄金诗篇,如黄金游记,黄金演义,黄金浒传,黄金楼梦、、。 近代的最高的黄金著作叫做黄金选集。 自然地黄金主义,黄金思想,黄金理论,黄金原则,黄金坚持,黄金代表,黄金荣耻都应运而生。 他们称着黄金帝,舞着黄金龙,披着黄金袍,打着黄金旗,宣扬着黄金特色的黄金主义。 一批批的黄金圣人被一代代的黄金传人推上了黄金祭坛。 黄金文化由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。
那些生活在美德国度的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese and English)
Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen
承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯
Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is beyond the most insidious vice on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as weakness and the latter as strength. They even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency for moral confusion can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)
容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)
Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese & English)
陈凯 著 By Kai Chen Written 4/2/2007, Reprint 9/20/2011
Translation into English by Kai Chen 12/28/2010
农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。
Peasants brought their life savings to the market, wanting to purchase one thing that could demonstrate to the world their lives worth.
市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。
There were many merchants selling their merchandise on the market. All of them were from different places and of different races, cultures and religions. Their goods also reflected this diversity. They were colorful and full of varieties. The peasants had never seen so many goods and they were very excited yet confused and fearful, not knowing what to buy to prove their lives worth.
最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的彩色盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。
After a tortuous hesitation and a long debate, the peasants decided to buy only from those who looked like themselves with similar racial, ethnic and cultural background. However, all such merchants goods were packaged in colorful square boxes and no one knew what was in them. The merchants had two conditions for all buyers of their goods: First, those who buy their goods must go home before they open their packages. Second, the buyers can never return the goods for refund.
农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。
All the peasants wanted to know what was in those colorful boxes. They felt uncertain about buying from the merchants with such conditions. Yet they were much more unwilling to purchase anything from other merchants of different looks and backgrounds, even those merchants goods were open in the plain sight and everyone was allowed to examine them carefully before they bought them. Overwhelmed by their fear of differences, the peasants finally decided to spend their life savings on those colorful boxes from the merchants of similar looks and backgrounds. Every one of the peasants bought a colorful box and went home.
当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来驴粪蛋的时候,他们才恍然大悟。
After they returned home, they eagerly opened the boxes. They discovered inside the box there was an exquisitely packaged brown ball. The brown fist-sized ball was moist with some undigested grass sticking out from its surface. A very familiar smell emanated from this brown ball. The peasants were very puzzled, unable to decide what it was that they bought with their life savings. Only when their children yelled out donkey dung, yak, donkey dung, running away covering their nose, they suddenly understood.
有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为美德国度。
Some of the peasants were very angry, knowing they were cheated. But they had already promised never to return what they bought. Their entire live savings were gone and their lives worth was nowhere to be found. They left their own homeland to start a new life somewhere else, all the time warning and educating their own children not to repeat their own stupidity based on bias and fear of differences. They eventually established a new village with a new culture based on individual virtue, justice, courage and rationality. They named their new village Land of the Beautiful.
更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们认为如果他们买到的是那么昂贵,那这个货品一定也同样有价值。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:黄金蛋。
However, most other peasants felt otherwise. They reacted by cursing their own children, calling them names and shutting them up. They reasoned that since they spent their entire life savings on this one thing, it had to be very valuable. So they named their donkey dung Golden Ball, just to reflect its preciousness.
他们建立了黄金蛋研究所,黄金蛋大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们黄金蛋的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自黄金驴-- 它披着黄金甲,食了黄金草,喝了黄金河的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了黄金文化,有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了黄金蛋文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的黄金卷及黄金诗篇,如黄金游记,黄金演义,黄金浒传,黄金楼梦、、。 近代的最高的黄金著作叫做黄金选集。 自然地黄金主义,黄金思想,黄金理论,黄金原则,黄金坚持,黄金代表,黄金荣耻都应运而生。 他们称着黄金帝,舞着黄金龙,披着黄金袍,打着黄金旗,宣扬着黄金特色的黄金主义。 一批批的黄金圣人被一代代的黄金传人推上了黄金祭坛。 黄金文化由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。
Later on, they worked even harder to prove the priceless value of donkey dung and hence the value of their lives:
They established all kinds of institutes and universities to educate their offspring about how great the Golden Ball was and how valuable it was to all their lives. They told everyone that the Golden Balls greatness was in its price the price of so many peoples lives and so much hard work. They invented fables, proverbs and folklores to sing in praise of the Golden Ball. They extolled that the Golden Ball was from Golden Donkey It had Golden Armors on its back. It ate Golden Grass by the Golden River. They wrote many volumes of books to espouse the virtues of Golden Ball Culture. They marketed the Golden Ball with a feverish passion in the world, telling all mankind how beautiful the Golden Ball is, how fragrant the Golden Ball smells, how pure a quality the Golden Ball is if it is from the peasants homeland, how historical and valuable the Golden Ball is to all mankind in the world
Their children have learned all about Golden Ball Culture. They have read Golden Poems, Golden Literature Collections from the ancients, Golden Thoughts from the modern saints and saviors, Golden Theories from sages and gods, Golden Principles from Golden Governments, Golden Rules, Golden Morals, Golden Ethics, Golden Characters, Golden Heroes and Martyrs, etc. etc
. They have worshipped Golden Emperors and Golden Chairmen. They have danced with Golden Dragons. They have upheld Golden Flags. They have fortified a Golden Society. They have forged Golden Generations with Golden Characteristics. They have all knelt before the Golden Alta to chant Golden Scriptures
A Golden Existence thus has been emerged, prolonged and reinforced in the Golden Land, on and on, till eternity.
那些生活在美德国度的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。
After awhile some peasants who live in the Land of the Beautiful returned to their ancestral land for a visit. To their horror, surprise and amazement, they have discovered that in their ancestral land there has long been a total absence of human beings. On the ancient abyss, enveloped with a nauseating stink of donkey dung, countless dung beetles are hard at work managing countless pieces of fresh and stale donkey dung, singing passionately in praise of a culture of excrement from donkeys and dung beetles.

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